01 - Where Do We Start?

Começar do início

"Yuck that sounds disgusting!"




That wasn't Mira?

Guess I wasn't the only one confused, everyone whips their heads left and right trying to find the source of that voice.

"Who the f*ck what that??" Their leader grits out, his expressions looking confused and pissed.

"I mean let's be honest, if you had a good personality, then you wouldn't need to go around using such terrible pickup slash blackmail lines" a small voice, sounding so sweet in contrast to the words they voiced, stretches towards us from a pile of old furniture that was sitting on the corner of the road.

"But then again-" A small figure fitting to the small voice in a white hoodie and black jeans magically appears from the pile, fixing their clothes, dusting themselves off and adjusting their hoodie to cover their head and face properly, "-since all you have is that crappy personality, I guess I could understand why you have to use such terrible words".

"But still, that doesn't make it any less disgusting" they state slightly tilting their head, the only part free from its hoodie cover being their playful smirk.

"Who the f*ck are you?" Their leader demands face flushed with anger and embarrassment I believe.

"Who me?" They ask, pointing a finger to themselves as they played a fake innocence that even a newborn could call out, "-I'm the person who's gonna evaluate you".


"Hmm... Let's see..."

They slowly start approaching the leader of the bullies like they were scanning each feature of their body.

"1 in 400 trillion that's the chance you get to be born as a human-"

"The chance to be one of the advanced species the social creatures, the ability to understand and comprehend much more than any other animal.." elaborating words that are too confusing to us as they walk circles around observing each one of us.

"And most importantly the ability to help another, without expecting any gains for yourself. The power to be a worthy human being blessed upon you and yet here you are.." They halt in-between a confusedly-shocked Mira and the taller male who was being evaluated, glaring daggers at the latter.

"..Like a bunch of baboons fighting for a banana".

"You're power Mr. Red Butt-" they declare stroking their right leg along the ground to behind them, "-is wasted".


With he angle they shifted to you'd expect a kick to the side so the male held a gourd up to his leg side. But with a quick fluid change of weight to their right leg, they sprung their left leg up, front kicking the taller male in his chest, to a distance much further than Zack ever could.

"Leave" They demand, their voice dropping a few octaves and a slight growl escaping their throat.

The larger male now petrified of whoever this is, rushes away with his lackeys tailing him. Leaving only me, Zack and Mira shocked at the new comer that saved us.

"Ugh these streets are the worst, can't sleep in piece" the stranger comments as if this was their daily routine, their voice back to it's innocent tone as they finally pull down their hoodie and reveal themselves.

Waves of white locks escape from their captivity as they pulls them out and let them flutter a few inches past their shoulders. Sparkling blue eyes that somehow reminded me of the ocean and the sky at the same time and a small petite face that made them look around our age.

It was a girl!

Was all I could think as my mind got lost in her beauty.

"You alright? Don't go into a fight, without a plan to win" She states scanning Mira for any injuries.

"I'm guessing you're alright Mr. Boxer since you're still standing" she continues scanning Zack before finally turning to me.

"And you..  you're really strong mate, I've never seen someone as patient as you" she states bending down and reaching out to me who was spectating on the floor through the whole thing.


Me? Strong? Did she not see what she did? How the hell am I strong?

I guess she noticed my confused expression as she pulled me up  and let out a soft smile.

"Boys tend to state their strong by fighting and getting in trouble, you're the first I met that's actually tryna be a kid instead of a gangster" She answers  patting the back of my hand before letting it go.

Her hands felt so soft..

Eww stop it you perv!

But that didn't stop me from staring at her. Admiring the smile that danced on her face, her hair that swayed like tree vines in the soft breeze, her eyes that sparkled like stars filled up the blue sea of her irises.

For a good whole minute.

I stared at her as her smile faltered to a confused smile which then turned to an awkward one.

"Aight. I'm guessing y'all will take care of yourselves; so peace" She abruptly speaks while turning on her heels already walking away from us.

"Wait! At least tell us your name!" Mira shouts out.

She turns around and smiles at us while tilting her head. A smile that was not awkward or confused but seemed a bit sad and lonely right before she whips around with a reply,

"I don't have one".

Touch The SkyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora