Chapter 19

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He was lying on a bed and there was a fan above him. It was big, with shiny decorations. Although it looked to be in great condition, it made minute clicking sounds as it moved. There was something very calming about it and Selva lay watching it for several minutes.

As time passed, sunlight was fighting its way into the room from behind the curtains on the windows. It became brighter and brighter and the room looked more beautiful. The walls were painted a peaceful, white colour. There was a flower vase on one corner. It was empty at the moment. A big television was mounted on the wall right in front of the bed. Selva was thankful it wasn't switched on. But he could hear a faint murmur inside the room and couldn't identify the source.

He was wearing a new set of shirt and lungi. They weren't his. They looked expensive. He sat up and moved his fingers absently. A prickling pain ran through him. He looked down to see something sticking on his left hand.

It was a venflon.

Instinctively, he turned left to see the I.V stand beside the bed. But nothing was hanging from it. His venflon was closed too.

As he moved his right hand to touch the left one, he noticed a small bandage on the right hand too. This one, however, didn't sting with pain from movement. Selva's memory took its time to remind him of the rat bite. He wondered if he had been given some medicine for the bite. Was that why he felt so weak? Or was it just the usual morning laziness? He would know if he got out of bed...

A slashing ache shot across his right leg and Selva gave out a loud yelp. Pushing the blankets off, he saw a tight bandage wrapped around his calf, right up to his ankle. The jolt of pain came along with a sharp poke of a flow of memories...a man with an eyebrow...a gardener...the man with reddish hair...a rat...a kitten licking him. He suddenly felt a wave of panic as he remembered that he needed to leave the city. But the wave seemed to evaporate just as fast as it came. It didn't stay, even if he tried.

What place was this? Was this Chennai? Even if it wasn't, it is better to keep moving. He should leave soon.

Gingerly, he moved his right leg with slow, slight movements. Nothing happened. It was alright.

When he moved it faster, the pain returned, making him shout out again.

"Ah! You are awake," said a voice.

A stout man stood at the entrance. He was shorter than Selva was, adding more to the impression of stoutness. He had a hunched back, Selva noticed, as the man walked towards him. He wore plain white vest and a dhoti. Sacred ash was smeared on his forehead and a chain of beads hung around his neck. Smiling kind-heartedly, he slouched up to Selva.

"How are you, thambi," He asked, addressing him as his little brother.

Selva was startled. He had never seen this man before. Though his middle aged, wrinkled face, kind voice and greying hair pronounced that he wasn't a threat, Selva was alarmed at seeing this man. He was a stranger and strangers led to dangers, usually...

"Who are you?"

"Iniyan. You forgot?"

"I don't know you."

Iniyan smiled. A wide mouthed, tender smile. "Wait! I will get sir for you! A moment..."

Sir? Who was that? Selva's distress doubled. He watched the stout man walk out of the room, his chain of beads dancing soundlessly. Where was he? Did he get caught by any religious cult? Was this Iniyan going to bring some Godman who had decided to adopt Selva as his devotee? Oh my God! Selva wanted to run out of this place before that happened. The idea was horrendous.

He pushed himself on to his feet, grabbing the I.V. stand gingerly with his venflon covered left hand. His right leg seemed to be on fire and Selva gritted his teeth, steadying himself, until the pain reduced a bit. His ribs were throbbing too.

The murmur was still echoing through the room.

Where was he?

Using the I.V. stand, Selva limped his way to the window and pulled apart the curtains, biting his lips to numb out the aches in his body.

He seemed to be on the upper floor of a house.

As he gazed down, he saw a brick wall at a short distance. It ran the length of the side of the house.

Beyond that, there was sand.

Beyond that, there was sea.

The murmur he had been hearing was the sea waves. They were near a beach.

The view from the window seemed lonely. So, it probably must be somewhere near the East Coast Road...

He heard footsteps behind him and turned.

Iniyan came into the room and there was a man behind him. He was on an automatic wheelchair that zoomed forward. One of his legs was in an elevated position. He was younger than Iniyan was, from the darker colour of his hair. The man had a neatly combed hair and a moustache and a goatee that were properly taken care of.

Selva didn't recognize him.

As the wheelchair moved closer, he could see the man's eyes. A powerful shade of brown.

Then he knew.

It was Balaji Rangan.

The wheelchair came to a stop right before Selva.

"Selvaraj Nadesan, correct?" Balaji said in a crisp voice. "How are you now?"

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