River Rescue

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'What sort of bridge is this?' Not-Bear asked Jod. 'At least half of it is missing.'

The bridge that stretched before them to the other side of the river was in three long pieces, suspended a rabbit's height above the water. Between these were gaps of the same size. One separated them from the first section. Water rushed between.

'Exactly half,' a small voice said. It was Map, returning from the water's edge. 'There's something on this side, to bring up the rest of the bridge. Look for a hole concealed in the bank. Be quick, if it isn't activated Tom says the rest of it will disappear again.'

They started to look for a hidden hole. 'Who is this Tom?' Not-Bear asked as they searched.

'Tom Tall. He's a member of the Brotherhood. They keep an eye on the city.' Map explained.

'The Elders know of them,' Jod said.

Not-Bear noted, not for the first time, how men liked to give themselves names. 'So he's a man? Like the King?'

'A man, yes, but with different views. Not all men think the same.'

'What about the one with him?' Not-Bear glanced over for the other figure, but he had disappeared.

'I've no idea,' Map said.

They scurried up and down the bank as the minutes flowed. Then Jod started scrabbling with his hands. 'I've found something!' he shouted. Not-Bear and Map ran over to him. He was standing beside a hole half-hidden behind matted grass and dead nettles.

They peered into it. There was a metal box inside, one side open to the elements. Inside was a rusty handle.

'Well?' Map looked at Jod.

Jod reached in and grasped it. He heaved. His face reddened with the effort. He put the other arm in, heaved some more. His face got redder. He started gasping then withdrew both arms and lay panting on the grass.

'Impossible,' he wheezed.

'Well, that's no use,' Not-Bear said. He poked his head in and tried to turn it with his teeth as he'd done with the door in the quarry. He was unsuccessful.

A shout echoed out. On the far bank Martin had reappeared, dragging a large object behind him.
Jod raised his head to look over. 'He's got a boat.' 

Not-Bear knew what a boat was, he'd seen the Elders use them on the lakes and rivers of the Inside.

'Surely they're not going to try and get across on that?'


'Good,' you've got it,' Tom Tall said. Martin had found the boat tied on the back of Tom's shack as described. It was round and wooden and needed some paint but looked sound enough.

'Did you bring the other things?'

'In the bottom,' Martin said. 'The rope and an oar. What are you planning to do?'

'They can't release the mechanism. One of us must go and do it for them.'

'It should be me,' Martin said. 'If something goes wrong you'll need to direct them upstream to the ford.'

'I'm hoping it won't come to that. and anyway it's my boat. I'm used to it. Do you even know how to row?'

'No, but it can't be that hard.'

'Harder than you think.'

'There's no other way,' Martin said. 'Help me get it in the water.'

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