'Met in a Circle'

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Even as Fleg descended into the dark tunnel, away to the east Bear and his companions were struggling.

The land lay flat and open, damp and yielding under paw and hoof. Small streams and rivulets crossed the landscape. Ponds fringed with reeds formed where they met. Water rails chattered, while the occasional heron rose into the air as they passed.

They walked in silence. Anya carried the monkey, who clung to her back. Bear stayed ahead with Van, picking a path through the soggy pastures. They waded knee deep into pools and ditches masked by reeds and swamp loosestrife. It was slow, cold progress. Bear's fur was wet and matted and his feet were numb with the damp. The wind was keen, with no warmth to dry them.

'You're not helping,' he heard heard Anya say to the monkey behind them. 'I can't keep my balance with you shifting about.'

'It's you that's the problem, I can't sit upright on a wobbly back.'

Bear looked at Van, who showed no reaction. Bear slowed down.

'I'll carry you for a while,' he said to the monkey.

Calypso transferred himself, then goaded Anya as they walked.

'Much better up here,' he said.

He sat with his legs either side of Bear's neck, holding on to Bear's ears.

'Much better for me too,' said Anya.

Bear put up with twisted ears for the sake of the deer. She seemed to be struggling the most, and had fallen behind.

'Keep up, dear,' Calypso kept saying. For all his taunting Bear sensed he cared for her.

To add to their discomfort, as the afternoon went on a mist started to rise from the ground and swirl around them. It shrouded the sun but in any case the day was fading fast. They would need to find somewhere to spend their first night on the Outside.

'Van?' Bear shouted ahead to their leader. 'Are we stopping?'

'He wants to go on for ever,' Calypso said from his perch.

Bear worried about Anya. She was slipping further behind, while Van strode on ahead. Bear looked back, and Anya picked up her pace for the duration of his glance.

'I'm coming,' she said, but a few minutes later she dropped behind again.

'Van!,' Bear shouted. Van stopped. They came up to him and waited for Anya.

'I know,' said the fox. 'I know.'

'Very well, but what are we going to do?' Bear was scared, he didn't mind admitting it.

'I've been watching some crows for a while,' Van told him. 'They are heading for their evening roost. It will be on solid ground, some way ahead but we should get there before dark.'

'Good thinking, Van,' said Calypso. He looked down to Anya. 'How does that sound, dear? Firmer ground for the night, and I'll give you a massage.'

Anya smiled.

'Well, if you are sure,' Bear said to Van.

'Nothing is sure,' Van replied.

Bear looked at the ground. Calypso tweaked his ears.

'I know crows,' he said. 'Van is right, firmer ground it will be.'

'And a massage?' said Anya.

'Oh yes,' said the monkey.


There is a prophecy,' Jod was saying. 'It concerns the ending of this Cycle, and the beginning of the new one. I think it is relevant to our situation.'

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