A Talk with 4 and 5

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Evan called Cuatro and Cinco. 'Cuatro, Cinco.'

'Hello sir.' Said a female voice, Cuatro.

'Hello sir.' Said a male voice, Cinco.

'I'm gonna need you two... Anouro is back. And he's kinda targetting my daughter now.' Said Evan.

'Because once the daughter's down, the father too.' Said Cinco.

'Exactly. So I'm gonna need you two to watch my daughter and this girl who is working with Anouro to take her down but this girl doesn't know that Anouro is a terrorist.' Said Evan.

'What's the girl's name?' Asked Cuatro.

'Lila Rossi. I'll text you both the details.' Said Evan.

'Yes sir.' Both responded.

'Oh and Cinco, I get that you're in a mission, but please try to not be cold as ice to everyone.' Said Evan.

'U-Uh...y-yes sir.' Said Cinco.

'You should also be here in Paris alright? Tell me once you're here.' Said Evan.

'Yes sir.' Said Cinco.

'Cuatro, keep watch of those two ok? I need the details soon.' Said Evan.

'Understood sir. Don't worry, keeping watch won't be hard...I'm closer to them than they think.' Said Cuatro.

'I'm aware of that.' Said Evan.

Short chapter but it's Evan, Cuatro and Cinco's conversation for the mission. You'll know their identities later on.

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