Chapter 32: Uncle Vincent

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(Warning: Y'all are gonna hate this man and this might trigger the Marinette protection squad)

'Marinette sweetie! Come down!' Said Sabine.

'Coming mom!' Answered Marinette.

Marinette went to her parents.

'What's going on?' Asked Marinette.

'My brother is coming today.' Said Tom. 'His name is Vincent Dupain.'

'Oh ok.' Said Marinette.

'He'll arrive later at 3.' Said Sabine. 'You'll be home at the time.'

'I know.' Marinette checked the time. 'AH I'M LATE! BYE MOM! BYE DAD!'

Marinette ran out the door. As she was heading to school...


The usual.

'AH AN AKUMA' Yelled a civilian.

Marinette's eye twitched. 'Wut de fook Shadowtrash? It's still early. Spots on...'
(Author: She sounds so done lol.)

~T ¡ m ê $ k ¡ p~

Adrien and Marinette walked to school together (WEEEEE) and cue Alya and Nino.


'Alya shut up.' Said Marinette.

'Geez sorry. I just CAN'T HOLD IT SEEING MEH SHIP SAIL!' Yelled Alya.

'Neither can I ya know?' Said Nino.

Adrien chuckled and Marinette sighed.

'By the way, apparently my uncle is coming so I might not reply to the gc for a while.' Said Marinette.

'It's fine M'Lady. We'll fill you in anyway.' Said Cinnamon roll cat.

'Thanks Kitty.' Said the Sweet and dangerous bug.

'Ok lovebirds, let's get to class.' Said the Crazy reporter fox.

'Yeah. Let's go.' Said the Remixing loverboy turtle.
(Author: Rocketeer was the best DJWifi based episdoe in my opinion.)

The 4 went to class. Lila and Kelsey glared at them. They just smirked and Alya may or may not have put up a middle finger secretly.

~T ¡ m ë $ k ¡ p~

Later, Tom, Sabine and Marinette started to clean the house before Vincent arrives.

The second they finished, the doorbell rang.

'I'll get it!' Said Tom before running to the door.

Tom opened the door and there is his brother.

'Vincent!' Said Tom.

'Nice to see you again little brother.' Said Vincent.

'Come in big brother.' Said Tom.

Vincent went in.

'Now, you've met my wife Sabine.' Said Tom.

'Of course I have. I was your best man remember?' Said Vincent.

'You were. Now this is my daughter Marinette.' Said Tom.

'Nice to meet you Uncle Vincent.' Said Marinette.

'Nice to meet you too.' Said Vincent.

They had fun. Vincent's nice. Although, he mostly Tom's embarrassing moments.

Later on, Tom and Sabine had to run the bakery so Vincent and Marinette were left.

Vincent's mood then changed. His expression became cold. Marinette didn't think of it much.

'Do you need anything Uncle Vincent?' Asked Marinette.

'Yeah make me food.' Said Vincent in an annoyed tone.

'Ok...' Said Marinette.

Marinette went to the kitchen and made Vincent food. When Marinette served him the food...

'Disgusting! It's too plain! Make me something else!' Yelled Vincent.

'O-Ok Uncle.' Said Marinette, wondering what the heck happened.

When Marinette was cooking she burned her hand. So she yelped.

'What the heck is your problem?!' Asked Vincent.

'Sorry Uncle Vincent, I just burned my hand-'

'Do I care?! No!' Said Vincent.

Marinette got scared.

Vincent grabbed the bat near him and...(I am so sorry) started to hit Marinette.

(I am so sorry) started to hit Marinette

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YOU USELESS CHILD!' Yelled Vincent.

'U-UNCLE PLEASE STOP!' Marinette pleaded.

Vincent didn't stop. At least not until....


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