Chapter 25: Oh my my

Start from the beginning

"I've felt drawn to you ever since I first saw you", he says, caressing my hand backs with his thumbs. "But I realized that I really like you when you defended yourself against Ella during drama class".

"That was months ago", I point out.

"I know", he whispers.

"But I... I don't understand", I whisper and feel how it starts to burn behind my eyes. I refuse to cry. I don't know how long I can hold them back though.

"That just showed me how independent and strong you are, that you won't let yourself get fooled just because someone is a celebrity or everyone else likes that one person", Peeta says calmly. "And I like that in girls". I nod, and intertwine my fingers with Peeta's. "So you really like me?"

I nod and feel my cheeks flush. The heat only rises and I'm guessing that I'm looking like a tomato right now.

I close my eyes and feel how Peeta lets go of my hands. I suddenly feel very empty. Only to realize that he cups my face into his hands. I open my eyes and sees how close Peeta's face is to my face.

Peeta leans in closer and so do I. Peeta plants his lips onto mine and the kiss is gentle. It's gentle and full of passion. Not as aggressive as the first one.

But as soon as the kiss started, it ended and I do not feel satisfied. I frown as I can see his face again.

"You just did that to tease me, didn't you?" I ask.

Peeta smiles slyly.

"Well, I do have some payback to do", he says.

I giggle and shake my head as I lean my forehead against his chest. I do deserve some payback. Even though I know he was just joking, I also know that I do deserve it.

Peeta puts a hand into my back and one onto the back of my head as he hugs me.

"I'm really sorry Peeta", I mumble.

I feel how he shakes as he chuckles.

"Are you ever going to stop apologizing?" He asks.

"I don't think so", I say.

"Well I want you to stop, because if I hadn't forgiven you, or even thought there were something to forgive, I wouldn't kiss you and feel the things I feel for you", he says.

I straighten up and look into his eyes before crashing my lips onto his. Not gently. No. Aggressively. A kiss full of want and need. My tongue slips into his mouth and I hear him groan. His hands are onto my back, pressing me closer to his body. I cling onto him as he presses me closer and closer, even when I can't get any closer.

Suddenly I feel Peeta push me backwards, still keeping me close to his body. My back hits the wall and I take this opportunity to jump up and wrap my legs around Peeta's waist, as he puts his hands under my thighs to keep me up. My hands travel to his head where I intertwine my fingers in his blonde curls, moaning during the process.

Finally we have to break the kiss to be able to breath. I lean my forehead against his as he puts me down on the floor. I still have my back against the wall and I grab his shirt, pulling him closer.

"That was..." I gasp.

"Intense", Peeta gasps.

I nod. That was the exact word I was looking for. It's like he reads my mind. It's pretty cool actually.

But now I have to head for the heavy part.

"So what are we?" I ask, and feel my cheeks heat up again.

Peeta cups one of my cheeks with one of his hand.

"That's up to you, but I know what I want", he says.

"I know what I want too", I say, smirking.

"And what do you want?" He asks, smirking slyly.

"I... Would want you to", I say, not knowing exactly what to say. I don't know how, so I just spit it out. "Be my boyfriend".

Peeta sighs out in relief.

"Oh good, because otherwise it would have been pretty awkward for me to tell you that I want you to be my girlfriend", he says smiling.

I giggle and hit his chest playfully.

"It could have been the other way around", I say.

"Yeah well someone would have to go first", Peeta says and I just laugh. "So we're boyfriend and girlfriend now?"

I nod, feeling proud of myself. And of Peeta. To have him tell me that he wanted me to be his girlfriend. Out of all the girls in the world, he want me.

That's just crazy.

"I guess we are", I say sealing it with a kiss, I carefully place my lips on the softest lips, which belongs to Peeta.  Of course.


Hey guys, I hope you liked the chapter.

I'm sorry if it was bad or boring. I'm just very bummed out and not in the happiest mood so, I just hope that it didn't get over my chapter.

Please vote and comment.

-Josephine xx

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