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"KOU, table six needs their miso soups." a staff said across the room. he answered and quickly serves up two bowls onto the counter, signalling his friend to deliver them to the table.

after another night shift, she closed up the shop and stayed inside to clean up everything but it seems like they have one last customer.

she looks out to the door and was about to tell him that they were closed but she stopped when it was hanma who entered.

he proceeds to sit down near the counter and waits for her to take his order.

"you alone?"

she hummed, now wiping on the counter. finally done, she washed her hands after fixing her hair up.

"just a ramen soup will be fine." the woman raised her brows, a little confused as to why his usual spicy tonkotsu ramen wasn't what he wanted right now.

"something happened or what?" she questioned, making him the ramen soup he ordered.

now serving the bowl to him, he immediately digs in. after a mouthful, he finally replied.

"the landlady kicked me out."


he hummed before putting in another spoonful of the ramen into his mouth. silence enveloped the two of them as she grabs drinks for hanma and herself.

"so no place to stay, huh." he nodded, looking at her with a mean glare that possibly reads duh no shit sherlock.

"kou has an extra room, i can ask him if you can stay there for awhile or maybe forever i don't know." the brunette suggested, rubbing her chin with her thumb and index finger.

hanma nodded again, he doesn't care as long as he got some shelter above him then its fine.


the two stopped infront of kou's house. as she hovered over the bike to knock on the door, hanma grabs his bag and followed from behind.

the door swung open and revealed a boy. she smiled at him.

"hello jino, call your uncle for me, will ya?"

"uncle kou!" he shouts in the house as he finds for  the male in the kitchen.

later, the boy invites the two adults inside and they walk to the living room. she dropped down onto the couch and breathed out when she felt how relaxing it was.

"uncle kou is busy making lunch and he said to wait for abit."

"ok, thanks jino." she said, patting his head.

as soon as the boy walks out of the living room, three more runs in, rushing their way to kanae as they immediately hug her.

"kana is here! bring the markers!" one of them said as two strained her by the arms.

one brought over a bag of markers. she trembled, knowing what those three are about to do. she begged hanma to help but he couldn't seems to do much.

cigarette; hanma shuji [✓]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat