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THE next day, kanae and hanma walked to school together. the dude was standing infront of her door, waiting for her to come out. it shocked her but soon was unbothered by it.

walking to school was nothing but awkward silence as the male tries to make up a conversation.

"are you free this evening?" he asked, making her look at him weirdly. he chuckled before waving his hand.

"not like that. i mean like-" he punched his fist onto his free hand. "like that, yknow?"

her expression changed from a weird one to a confused one. he sighed, scratching his nape as he tries to find a way to have her understand what he was saying.

"actually- i don't think i can tonight, im usually busy beating random old punks." his face brightened up.

"thats what i meant! lets go together."

the brunette took awhile to think about it until after school, where they split and decide to meet at a particular place.

she changed and went back out as she roam around the dark neighbourhood, finding for more useless wimps as usual.

finally, she found a group near a dark alley as she beat every single one of them to the ground. she shakes her hands, massaging her arms at how tiring it was swinging them around.

suddenly, she felt something slender slithering around her waist as she aggressively leaned back to hit the face of the weirdo behind her.

but alas, his free hand stopped her from hitting his face.

"i said lets meet at the convenience store, not lets make me wait for so long." he whispered at her ear as she quickly pulled away, her arms up in defence.

hanma grinned, reaching his hand to the back of his head.

forgetting about what happened earlier, they walked around and only beat up a few.

that was until she found a huge group- around ten of them- standing in an abandoned warehouse. she ran inside, not letting the male know about it but he was able to notice it immediately.

"stop acting big, little guy. go run off to your mommy." the large male mocked before receiving a punch from below, sending him up in the air. and she quickly kicked him forward, now sending him flying across the warehouse.

the other nine decided to attack her but she was able to block, dodge and knock them out swiftly while the dual haired male only watch from the entrance.

that was until he sees one of them swinging a metal bat from behind her. busy with fighting back the dudes fist to fist, she was unable to notice one coming at her from behind.

immediately he runs towards the dude with the metal bat and got hit in the face instead of her.

a gasped was heard from her as she turned around, done with the group of people. the loud impact between the bat and his skull echoed across the warehouse as he collapsed on top of her.

"oi oi, you're not that weak, are you?"

a shout was heard infront of them as she quickly jump spin kick the dude's head, smoothly catching her friend- or so acquaintance- in her arms.

cigarette; hanma shuji [✓]Where stories live. Discover now