7. Operation Eris

Start from the beginning

Tobirama narrowed his gaze, "You're even more daft than I thought," he turned to Hashirama, "I give it a month, she'll be dead."

"Tobirama, shut up. Y/N I suggest you pay closer attention to the papers in your hand before you ask any more insolent questions," Madara said. He ran his fingers through his hair and faced Y/N. She had never felt so small. So insignificant, "Hn," Madara, waved his hand to signal a break as he turned and led the other Uchiha's away from the table.

"We'll take a quick break and give Y/N time to finish reading," Tobi said.

Everyone left the table except Y/N and Kisame, who chose to file his nails as Y/N's thoughts raced. She was too shocked to be bothered by Kisame's presence. Tenzo was dead. Why didn't Kakashi let her know this? It wasn't the time to grieve. For now, Y/N resolved to focusing on the file so this meeting could end – so she could just go home.

As she read, she realized 'Operation Eris' was more than just an assassination. Information and important objects needed to be extracted. There were contacts of Danzo's that needed to be dealt with before his death. Zetsu would be the one to obtain necessary information. Kisame would be the brute force in the operation. Y/N was to act as not only the assassin, but a thief. All in all, this was a year-long plan, filled with infiltration and betrayal. She wouldn't just be killing Danzo, she would be killing some of the nobility closest to him as well.


The break ended and everyone rejoined at the table. Odds and ends were discussed. The members of Operation Eris were fully initiated.

"I still have a city to protect. Do not think that this assignment grants to you the blessing of creating chaos in my city. Most importantly, if even one of you decides to do anything to jeopardize Operation Eris, you are signing your death sentence. Understood?"

A collective grunt of understanding was given by everyone at the table.

"Get the fuck out of my sight then," Madara said as he stood and turned. Hashirama attempted to speak but decided against it. Tobirama led his brother away into the tunnel they arrived from.

Pain, Konan, Sasori, and Zetsu had left the moment the meeting concluded.

Obito, still masked, stood and began walking towards Y/N before he was intercepted by Madara.

Madara stopped Obito in his stride with a domineering hand upon his chest, "Let's give the new teammates room to get acquainted."

"There's plenty of time for that, she's clearly uncomfortable."

Madara gritted his teeth and leaned closer to Obito's ear, "I told you not to get involved."

Obito looked at Madara who was clearly taking pleasure in the despair that showed through the masks only window.

"You know?"

"I know everything, my dear nephew. Come, best not to cause yourself another heartbreak."

Madara led Obito and the rest of the Uchiha force into a different tunnel than the one they had arrived from.

Only Kisame and Y/N remained in the cave. Kisame leaned in close to Y/N's petite frame, "Y/N, I hope we can put our past differences aside and form a strong alliance." He said this in a more suggestive tone rather than a friendly one. His sharp canines showed as he gave a slight lick across his lips.

Kisame, already very close to Y/N, stretched out each hand to the chairs on each side on Y/N, her lower back was against the table. He had her trapped and he was enjoying it.

"So, where do you think these tunnels lead?"

"I- I- trained here in these tunnels. It's a very complicated network."

"What do you say to a little teammate bonding? Wanna help me explore these dark and wet tunnels?" Kisame asked with another suggestive lick of his lips and a flash of sharp tooth.

"I have to-," Y/N was interrupted.

"You're forgetting we are two side of the same coin, little bunny. Don't lie to me."

Little bunny? Seriously? Y/N just stared at the former Swordsman before shaking her head. Madara's words rang loud in her head, if even one of you decides to do anything to jeopardize Operation Eris, you are signing your death wish. That was the second threat from Madara in one night. She doubted Kisame was trying to cross that line set by Madara and it helped her ease up a bit. However, this was still the man who belonged to the group who tortured her.

Y/N, finding her strength, placed her hand on Kisame's chest, feeling his sculpted pectoral muscles and pushed him back.

"First, no cringey pet names. Second, don't ever corner me again or I'll slice your fucking throat open, Madara be damned. And, no I do not want to explore anything dark and wet with you."

Y/N made her way past Kisame and towards the door, keeping her eyes straight ahead. Kisame was left in the exact spot he had been with a smirk across his face and a bulge in his pants.

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