From the right tunnel, came the Senju's. To the left, a few more Akatsuki members showed up. Y/N went cold when pale hands took hold of the chair directly to her left, Kisame.

Every seat was full and there was nowhere else to go. Fuck.

In attendance: Madara, Izuna, Fugaku, Obito, Hashirama, Tobirama, Pain, Konan, Sasori, Kisame, Zetsu, and Y/N. Madara sat 3 o'clock, Obito sat 12 o'clock, and Y/N sat 6 o'clock.

Tobi spoke first, "Thank you all for being here and being here on time. We have a lot to discuss so I will let the Captain get right into business."

With a slight scowl, Madara cleared his throat and stood. He was taller, broader, than he appeared on television. He was... commanding.

"We have selected only the best for this job. Please be aware if you do not accept, you will be asked to leave now. But, before you say anything, we're going to talk to you individually. Kisame, follow me."

One by one, each member of the table was pulled aside to speak with Madara and Hashirama. The room they chose was soundproof and set apart from reverberating cave.

Y/N looked around. She looked everywhere, refusing to meet the various pairs of eyes that were on her; until her name was called, she locked onto Obito's eye.

Did Obito detect a bit of fear in her gaze?


"Y/N. Sit."

She did as she was told, sitting across from the two giant men. They had never met in person until now. They were silent for a few moments, perhaps they were sizing her up. Yet, the wealth of information they each had on each other was deafening. It was one of the reasons why each member of the Root had been put on a hit list.

But, as the saying goes, keep your friends close and keep your enemies alive to serve a purpose, right?

"Well, are we just going to stare at each other?" Y/N asked as she crossed her arms. She had always hated the Uchiha for their privilege. They remained safe at home during the war, sleeping in their own beds each night, while those who didn't have a big name were shipped off to Kiri. Yet, in Madara's presence, she could sense he didn't have the easiest life. It didn't ease her bitterness.

"Hn," Madara turned to Hashirama, "Remind me again why we chose a woman?"

Y/N remained silent and Hashirama ignored Madara's comment.

"Y/N, it is so nice to formally meet you. You've done Konoha a great service."

"Hashirama. Business," Madara said.

"Ah yes, well, Y/N since the war has ended, have you been satisfied with things as they currently are?" Hashirama asked, his hands talking along with his words.

"You're joking right?" Y/N practically laughed.

Hashirama looked a little hurt at her harsh tone, "It's a serious question."

"Okay, my apologies. Yes. I have been completely satisfied with everything. I love my job and being able to make an honest earning. I love being able to go to sleep each night and sleep all the way through. I love the picture perfect home with a white picket fence neatly tucked around my lawn. So satisfied, in fact, that I would never dare to join a gang to earn actual money to feed myself and get out of this shithole city."

"Oka-," Hashirama spoke slowly letting out an awkward laugh. Madara held his hand up as if to say, enough.

"Hashirama, allow me," turning to Y/N, Madara stood and placed both hands on the table, leaning in, "We're on the same side Y/N. For now."

Hashirama spoke up again, "We think it is time for a younger, more compassionate generation to take Lord Third's place. Yet, he refuses to step down and yield."

"This is in part to Danzo. Even if Hiruzen steps down, Danzo remains on the Council. Hiruzen knows Danzo would eat a new Hokage alive," Madara said.

"So why am I here?"

"Simple. We need you to take care of him."

"Don't you think that is a little... I don't know... aren't there steps you can take first?"

Hashirama sprung alive with passion, "He has every noble in his pocket. Y/N, he has made just about every new council member disappear for the past twenty years. And, he is completely protected by the current Root."

"Current Root?"

"Yes, a new group brainwashed to support his cause. Y/N, with Danzo alive, nothing will get better."

"Why can't you two take care of him?"

"Hashirama and Tobirama were almost assassinated themselves after trying to confront the bastard."

"And if I say no?"

Madara laughed, "And miss the chance to exact revenge on the man who stole your life from you? Come on Y/N, I'm aware we just met; but, I think I've judged your character quite well."

The look in Madara's eyes when he laughed. He had practically peered into Y/N's soul.

His smile disappeared as soon as it had come, "However if I am wrong, and I do not believe I am, Y/N, you are surrounded by police and the First Hokage. You are in the midst of a gang hideout and, regardless of the fact you are a weak woman, multiple murders can be traced back to your hands. Choose your answer wisely. To me, you are expendable."

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