
Start from the beginning

"Hey, you know what? I may have found my bio-family, but that's never gonna change the fact that you are my other half," Leilani said as she lightly poked Mason's chest, earning a small smile from her slightly older brother. "Ain't no way in hell that I'm letting someone break us up. We're Mae and Lei for crying out loud! It's gonna take a lot more than that to keep me away from you."

"Thanks, Lei." Mason beamed, already in a better mood from Leilani's speech. "I love you, little sis."
"It's two freaking months, Mae. I'm not that little."
"Your height says otherwise," Liam chuckled, taking a jab at the 5'4 girl. He quickly regret that once she turned around and glared at him.

"Liam, bubs, just because I'm you're girlfriend doesn't mean I still can't kick your ass." Leilani calmly shrugged. And that was the scariest thing about her. The way she stayed calm when someone would insult her or someone she loved. It amazed both Liam and Mason how she did it, but they weren't gonna question it.

"Duly noted."
"Alrighty then! Let's get back to watching this before my sister decides to murder you."
"Oh, he's lucky we're watching "The Outsiders" because if it weren't for Sodapop being on screen, I'd be digging his grave." 



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The next day, Leilani had decided that she wanted to know more about her family. That being said, she asked Stiles if he could drive her to Derek's loft. It took a little bit of begging and a few empty threats, but the Stilinski boy finally agreed.

"Whatever you do, don't believe a word Peter says. He's quite literally Satan in a v-neck. I give you full permission to blast his ass out of the window or to use your siren call." Stiles instructed Leilani. He'll be damned if his little sister fell in the eldest Hale's clutches. 

"Don't worry, Stiles. I already hate him enough as it is for all the stuff I heard he's done. I'm not scared of him." Leilani shrugged. To her, Peter was washed up. He repeatedly tried to overpower Scott and the pact and miserably failed. "If anything he should be scared of me. I'm not the same four-year-old girl he remembers. One wrong move and he's joining Kate in hell."

"That's my girl!" Stiles exclaimed putting his fist out for Leilani to do their handshake they came up with. The two had gotten closer the more they hung out. They definitely saw each other as siblings so they were constantly goofing off and making each other laugh. 

"Alright, I'll call you in a bit to come to get me, and then maybe we could watch Star Wars?" Leilani shrugged. She loved spending time with the older boy now. They were more alike than she would have ever thought. 

"Deal. Remember, I wouldn't mind seeing a breaking news report about a flying Peter, got it?" Leilani simply laughed and made her way towards the inside of the loft. 


It had been about an hour or two and Derek and Leilani were catching up on what they missed or what they couldn't remember from all those years ago.

"So you mean to tell me that you took a girl's spot on the soccer team and that same day she got punched in the face by your boyfriend?" Derek questioned, completely baffled that his sister ruined someone's day at the mere age of 11.

"Yep. She was a little vindictive bitch about it after trying to get me kicked off but the Coach didn't believe her so I was safe." Leilani shrugged. It was one of the many highlights of her middle school days. 

"You know, I'm glad you wanted to learn more about how you were all those years ago. I remember when you were only three, you wanted Cora to play tea party with you but she said no and you threw a whole tantrum. In the end, I stuck a princess crown on my head and I let you paint my nails and everything." Derek laughed. 

"Wow! The Sourwolf dressed like a pretty, pink princess," the siren giggled. The more she talked to Derek, the more she realized how the missing piece inside of her was finally filled. She felt complete. "So, I was wondering if you'd like to come to my soccer game in a few days. Maybe cheer me on?" 

"I will definitely be there." Derek smiled. "I'd love to see my little sister kick ass on the field." 

"Great! Well, I should probably start heading back but this was fun." Leilani said as she started heading out, giving her brother a tight hug to make for all the ones they missed. "Hey, Der?"

"Yeah, Annie?" Derek acknowledged, using the nickname he came up with for her when she was born.

"Love you, big bro."

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