"My damn sock."

I couldn't help but chuckle at the neutrality in her tone though.

"But you two are lucky, it was so boring and I think the champagne was shit."

"Oh fuck it really was, I thought that was just me though." Lila mumbled and I shook my head.

It was indeed some really bad tasting champagne.

"I need a beer." Frankie mumbled as she turned back around, already walking halfway out the door when Lila then turned back and followed behind her.

"Meet us downstairs in 20!" She said as she walked out and we both nodded as we got up and off the bed just as she closed the door.

I helped Luxe choose a gray and black short mesh dress before I put my black skirt and long sleeve on, she helped me tie both sides of the long sleeve and even went as far as to do my eyeliner since I had none on beforehand.

We left around thirty minutes later, having touched our hair up too and she gave me a water from the mini fridge in her bedroom before saying, "Drink half a bottle after every drink, you won't get drunk."

I rose a brow at her. "What if my aim is to get drunk?"

"Do some shots then, it'll get the job done." She joked and I shook my head, pulling my hair back, this time into a low ponytail as I got down the stairs.

"You really do look like a whore Lu!" Bolt came up beside us as he spoke to Luxe, who grinned back. "Thank you, its the hair!" She laid a hand out for him and he high-fived her causing me to blink.

So- wait, that was a good thing?

"Yes, it is a good thing." Bolt said at my evident confusion and I shook my head with a small smile at the two.

Even if most of them weren't related apart from sharing the same father, they all seemed air tight close, like actually really close, but then again, they were raised as siblings, not just half siblings.

With the thought lingering in the back of my mind we walked outside, the guys sitting around and smoking and I was surprised to see my brother smoking too.

I had no idea he smoked.

Only Rhys wasn't smoking, instead just sitting in the front seat with Adair who was standing out with the doors of the car open.

Lila was in the back seat with Frankie but Hugo and Ambrose were still outside the car and they were the one's smoking. 

"Wheres Flo?" Luxe asked from beside me and I looked to Bolt. "They went back to their place so she could get out of her annoying fucking pants, and im just quoting what she said by the way."

I snorted and Luxe chuckled.

"Im gonna ca-"

"Your boyfriends and girlfriends aren't allowed to come." Adair said and almost everyone began shouting in his direction causing me to laugh, and my brother did too.

"Why?" Lila hissed. "Because yours isn't here?" She challenged and he glared in her direction but said nothing.

Thats probably exactly why.

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