heejake - arrangment

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Warning ⚠️ slightly longer chapter ahead!
Please ignore the typos, or tell me so I can correct it, would be really appreciated thank you.

Heeseung is a 25 year old successor that has a very persistent mother, that tries to get him to marry a girl so that she can have grandchildren before she dies.

She was the queen of town, and his father, the crowned king of the town. And they didn't care as long as he marries the blood of another royal family.

It was expected of him to find a wife to be his queen, so that he can be the next king after his father's reign.

He was very tired of his mother introducing him to girls every weekend, when he has his own free time.

Sometimes he wishes to run away and find his one, but he has no one else and nowhere else to go, so he stays and bare with it.

Today he was meeting with another princess, and he wasn't too interested but he still attends the dinner, because he doesn't want it to seem like doesn't appreciate his mother's efforts.

When he arrived, he saw the princess's family and his family sitting around a huge round table, he greeted the guests and sat beside his mother, across from the princess that was looking at him with and adoring smile.

He admits she is cute, but he wasn't interested, infact he was more intrested in her brother that was looking really cute, with his flustered stare at Heeseung.

Heeseung smirked at him, and diverted his gaze at the food I front of him, his parents were talking about all he doesn't care about.

"Heeseung meet, the princess, her name is Karina, and she's 21 years old, I hope you guys get along well," his mother introduces.

They just awkwardly smile at eachother, and nod feeling a little embarrassed.

His eyes again fell on the small boy beside her, why was Heeseung looking at her brother more than her, herself.

He shakes it off and ate the food in front of him, still looking at the boy every now and then.

"Why don't you guys talk and get along?" The princess's father asks smiling at the two.

Their heads lift up at the mention of their names, when Heeseung hears Jake asking to be excused to go to the bathroom.


"May I be excused, to use the restroom too?" Heeseung asked and got up to leave.


"Thanks," he said before walking out of the room that was getting unnecessarily suffocating.

He saw Jake at the bathroom washing his hands, "hey! I'm Heeseung what's your name?" Heeseung approached the shy boy with a smirk playing at the corner of his lips.

He quickly dries his hands and turns to face Heeseung.

"My name is Jaeyun, but you can call me Jake," he introduced while holding his hand out for a handshake.

"Pretty name for a pretty face, I'm Heeseung," he said and shakes the boy's awaiting hand.

Jake's face gets noticably red from the compliment, his stomach feeling uneasy.

"Heeseung pushes him against a wall with his face inches away from the boy's own. If none of them were to move forward they would unintentionally kiss.

Jake couldn't help the small smile forming on his lips. As he stared up at the taller with big eyes.

Heeseung smiled seeing his cute face looking up at him with an innocent look on his small face. Even his hands felt small in his own.

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