heehoon - together till the end

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Requested by: alittleaussieboy

Uh my favorite TXT song.

Might be really sad lol 😢
Grab some tissue 🤧

The sun was shining brightly today, and a boy was outside playing tag with his little sister.

His parents were sitting on fold up chairs watching their kids play, smiling from happiness of having a family day together.

Suddenly his parents frowned squinting their eyes to see what was approaching them.

The thing was sprinting at a fast speed towards them. Then she saw multiple coming out from where that one came from.

When his parents found out what was coming towards them they tried to run as fast as they could to their kids.

But they were too far away.

Their mother started sobbing at the thought of her kids dieing before her.

The father transformed to his wolf form, and ran as fast as he could before the beasts could reach his kids.

The kids were finally aware of what was coming at them.

The boy ran as fast as he could, but when he looked back he noticed his sister wasn't following.

He turned back only to find her  frozen on the spot, so he turned back for her.

But it was too late when he saw that one has already reached her.

He started sobbing loudly and started running back towards his mother, that was shouting for him to run to her.

He ran up to her and she grabbed him in a hug picking him and running towards the woods.

He hugged his mother tightly afraid that the beasts would take her away too.

They reached the entrance of the woods, and his mother put him down.

She kneeled I front of him, looking at his scared face.

"Baby, I love you so much, but you can't stay here." She cried caressing her son's face.

"I want you to promise me
to find your mate, stay away from people that give off bad vibes." She cried harder.

They could hear the loud screams of members of the pack. People being killed.

Their pack was under attack.

"And I want you to find your mate okay, baby you're a special kind of wolf okay." She kissed his forehead one last time.

"You will discover your powers when you turn 18, you must not let people see your purple eyes okay?"

The boy was crying with snot running down his nose.

He sniffed and nodded at his mother.

"Now I want you to run! As fast as you can, don't turn back, and don't let them catch you," she said and held his little hands in hers.

"Eo-mma, w-why d-don't you c-come with m-me? He asked sobbing.

"I can't baby, I have to help your father, you have to run and don't turn back, now run fast!" She shouted standing back up.

"Hoon-ah~ I love you, don't ever forget that," she cried.

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