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It is the next day. Sizwe stands outside my house again.
"You won't give up on this bet, will you?" I smiled.
"It ain't December, yet." he chuckles, "So, tell me. Where would you like to venture off now? Gold Reef? McDonalds? Southern Suburbs?"
"Let's just see where our walk takes us to." I suggested, "I would like to be surprised."


I slowly close my bedroom door, walk over to my bed and sit down. I sigh and a smile appears on my face. I fall back onto my bed and squeal with excitement. I don't know why I am this excited. Sizwe just managed to make my day and I hate him for that. Why can't he be like other boys? Why does he have to be so different? He is like an alien in my life.
 "Lebo, ngicela ugijime uye ezitolo uyothenga isinkwa?" Mama calls. I close my eyes feeling annoyed.
  "Yebo, ma." I reply. I stand up and walk out of the room.
Mama is cutting some onions as I pass by to the savings jar that stood on top of the fridge. 
 "How did your date go?" Mama asks. I look at her in surprise.
 "How did you know?"
 "Ngane yami, it's not that hard to read you." she says," You've been dressing yourself nicely these days when you go out. Tell me, who's making you smile?"
I stand frozen with the jar in my hand. I try to find a way to escape this conversation.
 "No one, ma." I reply, "I don't date."
 "Right, sure you don't"
She doesn't believe me. I take two notes from the jar and place it back onto the fridge.
 "Ma, can we please not talk about this." I slip the notes into my pocket and walk out.
 "Haibo, my child." she calls out, "Can a mother not bond with her child?"
 "You've bonded with me long enough when I was younger. Sheesh!" I say with the front door closing behind me.

I lean against the wall in a mini market as I wait for a child to finish buying his packet of Lays chips. He grabs his change and runs off with his friends. I place the money in front of the Middle Eastern man and show him the three loaves of white bread I picked from the bread isle. He gives a small nod, grabs the cash and returns the change. I take the coins and walk out of the shop. As I turn around the corner, I walk right into the chest of a mascular person. I feel myself falling to  the ground but immediately I am caught in mid-air.
  "Are you ok?" I look up to see Thabang staring at me...and he is really close to me.
  "Yeah, I'm good thanks to you." I reply trying to get back up. I pick up the loaves of bread that slipped out of my hands during the fall.
  "I am so sorry." he scratches the back of his head in shame, "I didn't see you turning around the corner."
   "No, no, it's alright. I'm fine." I give him a warm smile, "Everything is good now."
He smiles.
   "So um...what are you doing here?" I ask, "I don't see you here often."
    "Oh, I stay like a few blocks from here. I come here regularly so I should be asking you that question."
    "My mom asked for me to buy bread so...here I am."
    "Ok." he says.
Silence creeps in between us. My fingers play around with the neck of the loaves and he looks around as if he anxiously wants to ask me something.
    "What?" I ask.
 He looks back at me, "Care to take a quick walk?"
    "I don't mind, but I have to return the bread before my mom goes on a hunger spree."
 He laughs, "Ok, then I will walk you home."
We start our stroll. As we walk, I try my best to analyze him. The way he walks, the way he talks and the way he dresses. I can already tell that he tries his best to fit in. I can't blame him for that because most guys are like that, but I am surprised that he tries to fit in after witnessing what he did to that poor kid the other day. I notice the silver chain that hangs from his waist. It was rather small and thin. His Nike Air were hideously dirty and worn off a bit as if they were his only footwear he owned.
  "You know, I never took you for the soft type." I say.
 He smiles, "I am always told that." His smile immediately fades away, "That's why I always distance myself from people. I don't want them to think that I would hurt them or something."
   "But you did hurt that kid."
   "Lebo, it was only that time." his voice turns into rage, "I mean, why would I hit a kid for nothing? He owed me and I have been waiting for nearly four weeks. i couldn't just let him get away with it."
   "Ok, ok, ok. I understand now." I say, "I'm sorry for bringing it up."
 He rubs his eyes in frustration, "It's alright. So tell me about yourself."
    "What do you wanna know?" I ask.
    "Oh, you know. The basic stuff."
    "Ok, um..." I take a moment to think. "Well, I am a girl, I am sixteen years old and I attend the school Kenilworth Secon-"
   "Stop, stop!" he interrupts laughing, "I didn't mean like that basic stuff. I mean, what kind of person are you? Are you artistic? Are you a cat person? Like that kind of stuff."
   "Oh." I laugh, "You should've started with that."
    "Do I have to be very specific?" he asks.
    "For me? Yes." I reply, "Anyway, um...first off, I am not a cat person. Cats give me the creeps for reason. Secondly, I am not artistic. If I had to draw for you, you would be very disappointed. Thirdly, my life is boring so telling you about it will throw you into bed."
    "Your life couldn't be that boring." he says and gestures, "You look like you must have lit moments. Do you party?"
     "Nope. My mom wouldn't allow me to party."
     "Oh, so you have those kinds of parents." he rolls his eyes.
     "You mean 'parent' not 'parents' and why do you say it like that?"
     "You are a girl with a strict parent. I wanted to take you out to a party this Friday but you can't." he kicks a rock, "And what do you mean by 'parent'? Did something happen to your father?"
   I look down at the ground, "I don't want to talk about it."
We stand in front of my gate. I look at him and smile.
    "This is me."
He looks at the house and points, "Nice crib."
    "Thanks and thanks for walking me. I really appreciate it."
    "Anytime." he says stepping back, "Please think about the party invitation."
    "I will." I reply and turn to walk into the house. 
Parties. Huh. When was the last time I have ever been invited to a party? 
    "Thabang." I call out to him. He turns back, "I will be there."
He smiles, "I will fetch you at 5:30 this Friday then."
    "Alright, I will be ready by then."
I know what I am doing will get my mom to kill me, but I know that after that night it will be worth it. I mean, I am a teenager, I have to enjoy my teenage life to the fullest.

Lebo, you are a fucking idiot!

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