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I hear faint screaming. The night sky was dark as the new moon hovered over me. I look around me and find myself standing in front of the school gate. I see people scattering everywhere as if in fright. I try to open the gate but it is locked. I look up for a climbing point, but the gates look like they had some kind of special barrier or something. I step back on to the road, but a car drives fast towards me. I try to jump but it is too late.
I wake up and find myself at home sitting in one of the sofas. I see Mama in the kitchen whipping up a meal with her back to me as usual. I stand up, but some strong force pushes me back into my seat.
"What is going on?" I ask. I hear Mama dropping a spoon on the ground. My attention turns to her. She stands still. Her posture is unusually bent forward a bit. I sit still.
The silence is beginning to agony. She has never been this silent before toward me. Her head twitches.
"Who's Mama?" she replies.
She turns and faces me, but what I saw was not my mother. It was... Olwethu!
I scream. Suddenly I feel myself being pulled into the sofa. I look down and see dozens of hands grabbing me. I start to struggle my way out, but the grip of the hands were too strong. I scream and scream but Olwethu just stands and look at me with a mischievous look. Two of the hands begin to touch my face. They feel soft and sludgy like they've been in water for too long. I feel them quickly running up to my eyes. Soon everything is black.
I wake up. Everything looks blue. I look down and see that I was floating. Water! I am under water! I try to scream but oxygen bubbles poured out of my mouth. I quickly close my mouth and begin to swim up. After a few swimming tricks, my arms begin to feel heavy. I haven't reached the surface. I look up and notice I wasn't getting any closer to the surface. I push myself again but it was hopeless. My lungs burn inside of me for air. I try to hold it in a bit longer, but my lungs gave up.
I gasped for air and cough. I'm alive? How am I still alive? I look around me. I see people looking down on me. My heart began to pump fast. I was glad to see some people again. I stand up and look at the people and pause. Sizwe, Thabang, Moses, Lerato, Bongiwe, Mama, Siyabonga and Olwethu surrounded me. They stood the same way Mama, should I say Olwethu, stood when she was in the kitchen. What was going on with me? Am I dreaming? Surely this must be a dream. If it was a dream then I wouldn't ask myself this question. I look at everyone again. They had no eyes in their socket. It was just a black hole with blood running down their cheeks. I cover my face and cry. Please make the stop. I am in a lot of pain right now.
"Lebo."a man talks. I look up and see Baba. My eyes shot open in fright as I fall back onto the ground. No. No not him too.
"Lebo, my child."he says, "Don't be afraid. I'm your father. I'll protect you."
"No."I sob, "No, you're a monster!"
"Lebo, my child."he repeats, "Don't be afraid. I'm your father. I'll protect you."
"Get away from me!"I plead trying to back away. Sizwe and Thabang hold my arms. I try to break free but their grip was strong, "Let go of me!"
"Lebo, my child."he says coming towards. He unbuckles his belt and opens his pants, "Don't be afraid. I'm your father. I'll protect you."
"No no, not again" I sob and continue to struggle.
He comes closer to my face and speaks with a gravelly voice, "Good girl. Now let daddy award you."
I scream.

My eyes snap open, I am covered in a cold sweat, shaking, and my heart pounding. I look around the room with suspicions and paranoia that the horror may have followed me here. I get up cautiously, shivering, rubbing my head and eyes trying to stay fully awake. I stumble to the bathroom and look in the mirror slowly, cautiously, as if not sure of what I'll see. The sun shines bright through the window, washing away the vestiges of the horror, leaving me relieved to return to my mundane existence. I start brushing teeth. My eyes suddenly catches a glimpse of a shadow moving behind me in the mirror - I jump. I pull my toothbrush out of my mouth and held it out like a weapon. Lerato walks into the light sleep-ishly.
"Good morning, Lebz."she greets, "What's with the toothbrush weapon? You saw a ghost?"
I drop my arms, "I thought I saw one."I reply. I comb my fingers through my hair.
"So what do you think we should do today?"Lerato asks and begins to brush her teeth.
"I have church today."
"So...my mom would want me to go and it's unfortunately not negotiable."I gurgle.
"Oh."Lerato replies with a flat voice.
"Sorry." I apologize and give her a hug, "But we could think of something when I get back from church."
"Okay, then. I'll ask Bongz if she'll want to join us."she suggests.
"Sure." I reply, "Anyway, it's time for this princess to get her shower." I turn Lerato around and gently pushed her out the bathroom and pull on a smoky look, "I don't want you to see my sexy body."
She laughs and throws a towel at me, "I'm not gay, Lebz."

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