I didn't say or do anything as he speak.

"I...I notice how...how Georgina was so virtuous, sweet, and caring to everyone around her when she was young. She never tried looking at the terrible and painful world we lived in. She was always delighted and wanted to help others." He whispers to himself, witnessing a small glee into his eyes.

"But...when she heard, about your mother telling Sapphire to be an assassin, how there is misery around her, she realized how important that was to her. How she can do good for the world by...by killing people."

He shakes his head angrily. He couldn't speak anymore as he cover his mouth; his whole body shiver in pain.

"I wished she never follow that path. The path of sorrow and guilt that she hadn't seen yet. Alexander. You don't know how much it hurt me to see my own daughter think I don't feel her pain. Because every time she pushes me and continues this, the more it hurts me."

I sigh, closing my eyes as I place my hand onto his shoulder, softly squeezing it. "We are going to get her back, dad. We are going to show her the true meaning of this world and what she should do before it is too late."

He sniffed, nodding his head. I come closer to him, letting the night around us be our relief from the world we live in.


The chickens from outside call early in the morning to wake us up, groaning in anger at the lack of sleep I took. Part of me wanted to grab that rooster and break its neck to shut it up.

But when I see Alice staring at the little television that shows a cartoon in Spanish—an pink elephant and an orange giraffe dancing—all my anguish went away.

"Good morning." I softly whisper to her.

She removes her eyes from the T.V and smiles grandly at me. "Go-good morning." She battles.

She laughs at herself before running toward me from the couch, slamming into my arms. I clench tightly onto her; hope no one does harm to this person in my lifetime.

"Wait. This ain't you?" We both look up at Zeke who's laying in the single bed we have, lifting his eyes to see someone else sleeping with him.

I stare in mischief as he picks the cover and sees Richard underneath.

"What the hell?! I thought this was you!" He outcries, standing up from the bed.

His eyes widen as he proceeds to stare at the bed in atrocity as I walk toward it, see my dad still sound asleep.

"Why the hell is he here? Don't he have a bed with a woman with it?" Zeke meets me.

"Calm down. We talked last night and he couldn't go to his bed so I took him here to ours." I told him.

His face didn't show any uplift remark as he still express disgust, looking at my stupidity. "What is he? Disable to get up and go to his room?"

I roll my eyes at him, about to wake dad when I heard Pearl's scream.

"It's your problem," I told him as I leave the room and head toward Mum.

I pass the hall that still smells strongly fabulous, and head to the entrance of the house. The back of Pearl faces me as she shields the person ahead of her.

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