The Return To Home

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Maytivoza's POV

I should be infuriated at him for what he did. I should beat the shit out of him for what he said. I just wanted to smack his perfect face until it is no longer perfect. I want to.

But....I can't. Not in the condition where he is right now.

I park the car, watching for passing cars. Once it is clear, I look back at Alex, making sure he is okay. And, forgot he's nearly naked.

And no brain. Don't think that way. I dismissed what I was thinking, snatched all my things, and removed my seatbelt. Before I can do that, I hear him grunt in the back. "Fuck! Bloody hell! That bitch!"

I scuff, not sure what to do. Or what to say. When he told me to leave, I decided to go to my home.

I know. It wasn't a smart idea. Since Ovian says that Pearl could kill me if I stay, but I have no choice. I don't want to take him back to Ovian's house and I have medical supplies that are going to help him. Don't ask me why I have them.

"Where are we?" He asked, breathing heavily.

"At my home." I beam to myself, feeling good being back home. I miss being away from people. "What the hell? Your home is a forest? 'Cause that all I see." Yeah. That's the smart doctor everyone knows of.

"No dumbass. You know what? Forgot what I say." I hear a shuffle, hope he is getting clothes on. "I guess I should take my time and use my legs." I don't think so but I didn't stop him.

I slowly turn my head to see him putting on his pants and navy sweater, in relief. He ruffles his hand through his hair, exhaling deeply, looking like he struggling to inhale.

I frown, instantly regretting this. "You're still in a lot of pain?" I question. He's not looking good with all the sweat and pale face he's starting to form.

"Yeah. A lot." He rubs his face, looking outside. "But, we have to get going. We can't be sure if we are still following. Let's get out of here." He scoots himself toward the door and opens it.

I quickly got out to help him, grabbing his arm. "Whoa." He mutters, watching his feet fall over one another. "This ground is moving, ain't it?" He points at the ground, smiling. Right now, I'm fearing he is losing too much blood or he drinks before coming.

Deciding it would be best for me to help him get there, I ask. "Come on. I can carry if you want me to. I'm not that weak." I help him walk to the dirt road that leads to the forest.

"That's nice of you, gorilla. But..." he shook his head, looking concerned for my safety. I wanted to move back, not wanting to get sick, and at the same time not to let him go from my grip. He instantly starts wiping his mouth, trying to finish what he was about to say, but....he faints.

Holy shit. I didn't kill him, did I? I look around if anyone sees it, ease but doesn't help he's passed out. Great.

Guess I deserve it. Even though I don't feel like I do, I guess it was my revenge for not telling him where I was. I strongly pull him with all my strength, hoping he ain't dead. If so, it's not hard to bury him. No one will know.

But I won't. Sadly. I need to get him safe and heal. It's the least I can do after what happened earlier. Well, I did save his ass back there. I didn't kill her though. Right?

Ugh, let's worry about that later. Walking toward the forest, most of the trees are covered with snowflakes; the ground is covered with thick layer of snow, glad I have my boots with my short stance. But with the sun setting fast, even my glasses are useless in this condition, grunting to myself in outrage.

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