The Other Man

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I guess I deserve what I get, but does it have been to be here?!

With all my stress from my body being in this isolated habitat, and no one to talk to besides my animal, well, let's just say I'll be killing someone right now.

Fortunately, I punch the punching bag from the garage rapidly, showing no mercy to it. Ugh! Remembering that asshole just got my blood boil this morning. I can't believe after slapping him, he told Wood to fired me. The man I was suppose to meet didn't seem bother, but Wood sure was.

Ohhh! But the princess got slap once and he has to go cry to my mom. He sure is a man that cares about all, huh, Ruby?!

Fortunately for me, I was able to tell Wood what he says about me and yeah, he is mad. Like "murder you" mad.

I also suggesting we fired him. For the sake of human rights, but either way, Wood was able to give Alexander a deal. If I spend a year away from society, I was able to keep my job and not bug him. In short term, he doesn't see me. I don't see him. Which he comply.

"Ugh! Estaba tú que es la estúpido! Tú y tú palabras idiota!" I shout to myself, know he won't hear me but it better than nothing. (It was you that was stupid! You and your idiot words)

After beating up the nearly torn up bag for ten months of my social distance from society, I hear a low growling from outside, realize what it was. I forgot to feed the wolves.

Living in Greenland with their vast lands was able to become a home for the forest animals that Wood allow me to raise. Especially the large amount of animals he made me used for research purpose.

I walk to my small kitchen, with only a small fridge and freezer, grabbing a big bag of meat, walking outside to the wolves den. Their home is cover over many acres of land, but a fence separate me and them so they don't beat the shit out of me in the middle of the night.

I lower the bag of meat, opening and see them running toward my direction, moving back and forth with fast pace around the fence.

I look at every one of them in their eyes, see if all of them are here. Once I count them, I slowly lower my guard, mainly using it to find the alpha. He is the one with a thick fur than the rest of the pack, leaner than them.

I threw the meat at them, watch them fight it. They still in age as I slowly remove them out to the wild to adapt to it.

I enter back to the house, walking past my living room that pretty much is a single chair and desk with one rocking chair facing the fireplace.

I walk into the kitchen, passing the cabinets of herbs and flowering plants that dried up and were put into glass jars. Hey, I'm a tea person more than caffeine. Don't judge my addiction.

I head downstairs, going down the silents steps that head to the basement, recalling the time I came here,

I was certain there was a man who was down there, waiting to take me away from my nightmare and send me to Hell. But unfortunate, he wasn't there.

Still, I get used to its eeriness, I was able to broom, mopped, and wiped all the dust, spiderwebs, and debris off the basement, setting up a research lab.

Yeah. Wood wasn't going to just have me here and not do anything. He sent animal here so I can take care of, and to keep on their population and growth to this new land. For a whole year.

I wipe the sweat off my eyebrows in this humid room, scanning through the data I start collecting long ago, recording how they adapt to this new environment. None of the animals nor plants have done any distinctive damage to this land. But I gotta monitor that to ensure it doesn't happen.

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