Big Girl Panties {8}

Depuis le début

I playfully stick my tongue out at him before he and Korbin walk off toward the parking lot.

I take a seat on a nearby hay bale, waiting for Zane to walk out.

Next to me, Creed sets down, his legs spread out, touching my own as he leans his elbows onto his thighs.

"I can't believe he took you in there." Creed's deep voice rattles my chest. "You're terrified of your shadow, and have no sense of direction."

I squeeze my bat tighter. "He didn't drag me in kicking and screaming. I followed him in."

"He shouldn't have suggested to go in." He tosses a hand toward the maze, drawing my attention to his smooth, rich golden complexion that the summer's sun has toasted his Puerto Rican skin too.

"He didn't!" I jump to Zane's defense before thinking my words through. "Your slutty, bitchy, ankle biter did."

Creed stiffens.

Shit. I should have kept my damn mouth shut.

"What?" Creed's voice drops to a dangerous octave that would send a chill up Death's spine.

Just as I try to save Zane by back paddling, the low rumble of a tractor catches both of our attention.

Giggles and laughter pour off the trailer as the patrons file off the back.

I can feel Creed's mood darken next to me. When I follow his fiery gaze, my heart stops.

Becca is hanging off a giddy smiling Zane. It feels like a glass bowl has been dropped overhead. Trapping me in a hollow glass orb, isolated and alone. The scene plays out like a film.

This can't be real. He's looking for me. He wouldn't abandon me in the maze knowing I was lost and terrified.

"Becca!" Creed's voice booms, snapping the group's attention to us. Zane's face instantly falters into a look more guarded while Becca jumps away from him.

A look that makes my stomach turn blooms on her face. Satisfaction. The sick bitch is happy to be caught.

I barely notice Creed's long legs striding the short distance between the maze exit and the ride. My focus stays locked on Zane as my brain struggles to register what my eyes are seeing.

"Creed, calm down." Becca rolls her eyes. Usually, her gruff voice grates against my nerves, but I feel so numb right now. "The girls, Zane and I wanted to grab the last ride." She strides up to Creed and runs her hand up his abs, but he catches her hand midway up and glares down at her.

"We're leaving." Creed's gaze snaps up to Zane. "Stay the fuck away from my girlfriend."

I see every muscle in Zane's body ripple, but thankfully he keeps himself reigned in as Creed and the three girls leave.

I try not to selfishly focus on the fact he hasn't even noticed that I made it out of the maze and that he's more upset over Creed and Becca. But it doesn't help heal the hollow ache in my chest.

I glance toward the carnival where the Ferris wheel's lights shut off, signaling rides are over. It's for the best. I've lost the hope of the romantic ride alone with Zane. I could tell by the look in his eyes when he begged me to go to the maze. He didn't want to go.

I walk up to Zane, clutching the prize he won for me, the highlight of our night, to my chest. "Can we go now?" I mask the defeat, disappointment, and pain that poisons and burns my insides.

"Yeah." Zane's voice is strained, and his normally loving eyes stare dead into the dark space the others disappeared into. With fist still clenched, he marches off toward his bike with me following in his wake.

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