-Chapter 16-

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She successfully started to meditate...

Nico was standing in a dark hall, the only light being sea blue emitted from a room at the end of the hallway. She slowly crept over to the light, oh no am I dead? What is this place... She stepped into the room and found a big blue cat creature just sitting there filing her nails, Nico went over to the cage made of something as shiny as gold, "Hello, ma'am, could you tell me what this is?"

The cat turned around completely startled, "You... How are you here human? No one is supposed to be able to enter..." She looked deep in thought

Nico replied, "Someone gave me a book on meditation and I tried it and now I'm talking to you, so where is this?"

"The mind space is what I've been calling it sweetie, you're a jinchuriki meaning at some point you had a tailed beast, that's me, sealed into you to "protect" whatever village we're from, you're a leaf shinobi but I originated in the village hidden in the clouds. It's more likely you were kidnapped from a clan Nico Yamanaka"

The young girl blinked, "How did you know my name?"

The blue beast stared at her for a moment, "You do realize I live inside you right?" She giggled

"Sorry I'm a little dense, and sorry you were trapped in me, trapped at all, but if you had a stronger shinobi maybe you would feel more free..." the girl looked down at her shoes

"Oh sweetheart, you are powerful on your own, you just don't realize it yet, humans are such silly creatures aren't they..."

"What do you mean?"

The cat thought to herself for a second, "Humans doubts themselves when they shouldn't but also act confident when they need doubt, you are powerful Nico, you just need to polish your skills, I can help, you already know not to release me of course but I can help you, how does that sound?"

Nico stood for a moment, "Sounds like a good deal, though I'll only ask for help if it gets too troublesome or if it's most convenient, is that ok?"

"It's a deal Nico... My name is Matatabi by the way"

Then Nico woke up, the sun had just set, Addam picked her up and carried her into the house, and laid her down on the bed before tucking her in, She must be exhausted, I'll have her tell me what happened tomorrow...

As Nico went to sleep Addam truly meditated to talk to his tailed beast, earlier he was just sleeping...

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