Chapter 6

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——A month later——

Team 7 met with the Hokage after catching Tora again, but Naruto was sick of all these low ranked missions so he complained, Sakura tried to hit him but Nico was sick of hearing her shriek, Sakura got smacked so hard she was knocked out on impact.

The team laughed but the Hokage just sighed, "Fine, I have a nice C rank mission, escorting a bridge builder to the bridge he's working on in the land of waves, you leave tomorrow"

Naruto tried to object before a drunken man stumbled into the office, "This is it? They're the ones who will escort me! An emo with an awful haircut, a girl with anger issues, a boy who acts like a father, a pretty pink princess, and a tangerine with whiskers?!?"

Kakashi stepped in between him and the team, then the man said, "JESUS! AND A CYCLOPS!"

The Hokage spoke, "This is the bridge builder, I expect you to be on your best behavior for he is a client" They all went home and prepared for the mission.

——the next day——

Nico and Addy were the first to arrive to the meeting spot, followed by Sasuke with Sakura not to far behind, then Naruto and Kakashi perfectly on time.

"Are you ready to go team?" Kakashi spoke with a smirk

In unison they spoke, "Yes sensei"

"We get it! You're all here now let's go ladies!" The bridge maker spoke

They walked in formation, Addy and Nico taking the back, "Listen, I know you wanna punch him in the face but you can't... Not until we get paid, you know that," Addam whispered to Nico

She nodded, after a while of walking Nico felt a presence, with her guard up she moved closer to the client to be able to protect him better, Addam understood immediately. Then Kakashi exploded...

Not really, the two knew they were in a genjutsu but the other three didn't, Sasuke was freaking out internally, it was written all over his face while the princess and the tangerine had faces of pure shock and trauma.

Then, in an instant, the two demon brothers were taken down by Kakashi, "I should bring these guys back to the village, they're in the bingo book after all..."

"Kakashi sensei, can you use scrolls?" Nico asked

"Yeah... Good idea, thanks Nico" he spoke as he pulled out two scrolls, "also, you have a natural knack for sensing presences and genjutsu, maybe it's because of your clans specialty..."

She shrugged, "I've seen people store swords in them, what's the difference between a big sword and a body or two"

Addam snickered, "I have"

Nico laughed at his joke about his parents then apologized, "We should get going, the clients getting impatient,"

—after a while of walking and a boat ride—

The group came across a misty area, the fog got thicker and thicker prompting the team to stop, Zabuza of the mist attacked and everything that happened in cannon happens now except for Nico binding most of Kakashis injuries.

The group came across the village by nightfall and got settled down, they stayed with the family, "Ok here's the room assignments" Kakashi began, "Sasuke and Naruto, Room one, Addam and Nico, room two, Sakura, room three"

Sakura immediately complained, "Why can Nico sleep in the same room as a boy! Why can't I sleep with my Sasuke!"

Nico spoke up, "Because I'm not a crazy obsessed fan girl who doesn't take no for an answer, and because if I have to stay in the same room with you I'd end you"

This scared her enough to be quiet for once, then they prepared their rooms and ate dinner, Addam refused to eat but Nico made him eat half of her plate, "You can even give a fourth of what I gave you to your pup if you eat the rest"

"Ugh fine, are you gonna sit there and wait until I'm done?" He asked

She nodded, "It's for your own good,"

He sighed then ate the rest, and gave the scraps to his dog, then they went up to bed...

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