Chapter 8

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Kakashi welcomed them as they first came through the window, "You're soaked, what happened to her? And where have you been?" He smiled politely through his mask.

"Nico fell in a stream while training chakra control, I did too but my chakra type made it easier to dry off, fire, but hers is water, it traps it around her and I guess it stayed on her clothes..." Addam told him

Kakashi nodded, "Chakra control, that's a good idea, how about we work on that after the bridge builder finishes his day," he looked as if he had a good idea.

They went out to supervise the bridge builder and stop any attacks, Kakashi was out of commission so he stood there to make sure no one wandered off. After they got back home Kakashi told them they will be training chakra control.

Nico and Addam looked at eachother then walked up their separate trees and waited at the top, "Too slow, ain't that right?" She boasted

Addam had her go over to his tree branch and they took a nap until Sakura started mocking the boys for how long they were taking, then Nico chucked a rock at her so hard she rolled down the side of the tree, Kakashi grabbing her just in time, they realized she was knocked out

Nico woke Addam up, "The boys need help, you got Sasuke I got Naruto?"

Addam thought about it for a moment before nodding, they hopped down before explaining it to the boys, "Naruto, yknow how when you go to Ichiraku ramen yknow the slim difference between too much ramen and not enough?" Nico asked and he nodded, "Imagine that slim difference bowl is the amount of chakra needed to climb the tree, ok?"

With that in mind Naruto walked up the tree, Addam walked over, "How did that work? What did you even mean"

Nico looked him dead in the eyes, "I don't even know"

They chuckled, "Ok I better go help Sasuke, be right back"

Addam now spoke to Sasuke, "If you don't start walking up that tree I'm going to wake up Sakura," and the last Uchiha made it up that tree so quick you'd think he was doing this for years.

They returned home to eat dinner, then the kid said something so stupid even Naruto snapped, "You don't know anything about suffering" the child cried

Naruto took a deep breath before calmly stating, "Four of our team are orphans, I lost my parents at a young age and was neglected, Addams parents died to a rogue ninja and he accidentally got his sister with a sword, Kakashis parents, we don't talk about that but his team all died in basically the same week, Sasuke Uchiha lost his clan because they were all murdered, you say we do not know suffering yet you are one of the ones with the easier life," then Naruto left the table to go take a nap

Addam spoke, "One of us should check on the mother to see if any of us could help her in the kitchen"

"Why don't you?" Sakura said pointing at Nico, "After all shouldn't the women be helping her cook?"

After Sakura said that so plainly all eyes were on her, then the guys there surrounded Nico to prevent murder

Addam was the first to speak up, "Well that's an outdated view, everyone here knows how to cook, but if Nico did I'm pretty sure she'd poison a plate" he spoke staring directly into Sakuras eyes

"And besides," Nico began, "You're also a Kunoichi, remember? Oh and, you suck"

Sakura gasped, "Sensei are you really gonna let them talk to me like that?!?"

Kakashi shrugged, "You act like we don't have hands and like we didn't learn to cook, even though orphans have to fend for themselves"

And with that dinner began, Nico sent Sasuke to give Naruto a plate of food then served Uchiha and herself, Addam served the hostess and Kakashi, (Nico made him eat again) then Sakura began to complain once more, "Why did you only serve yourself and my Sasuke-kun, while Addam served Kakashi and the mom! Why are you being so useless!"

They all looked at Nico, as if to say a prayer for Sakura, though all she did was take a deep breath, "Sakura what exactly have you done since you got here? Because I healed Kakashi when he needed the bare minimum done, saved Naruto and Sasuke from twisted ankles thanks to lackluster leadership that you tried to give them before you were knocked out, and all you've done since before we graduated has been complaining, you have legs and arms, you should be independent enough to get your own plate, if you continue to be a problem I will end you. Oki everyone lets begin eating!" She smiled but Sakura who had gotten up to get her plate just stared at it in fear.

All was quiet until later that night...

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