Chapter two

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"So Addam, why are you walking me home? Is there something you needed to ask?" Nico asked him, the only light emitting from street lamps.

"Nah, there's just bandits around here, and I don't want you getting jumped like I did last week.."

Nico stopped completely in her tracks, "You were what?"

"Yeah so let's get you home, which branch of the Yamanakas are you from?" He asked curiously.

"I'm Inos twin sister, so... Inoichis daughter?"

Addam sighed, "Damn sorry, I can't walk you all the way home, I owe your dad money.." he rubbed the back of his neck.

"How much money?" She sighed

"Uhm... About 5495 yen" he chuckled

"Oh ok that's fine, why do you owe him?"

"Oh uhm, lost a bet nothing important"

Then they heard a rustle in a tree, Addam stepped in front of her with a kunai drawn though he knew she didn't need protecting. Nicos father popped out of the tree. Once Addam saw who it was he dropped his weapon back into his weapons pouch and started apologizing, "I still don't have your money yet I'm sorry, is there any way to make up for it?"

"Oh I have an idea, you could join us for dinner! I think mom made steak and dumplings... Do you like those?" Nico started asking while pulling Addam along, her father followed in silent confusion.

When they got in the house the first thing they were greeted with was Ino yelling about how it's no fair she got to spend a full day with Sasuke and how the foods almost cold because they waited for them.

Once she saw Addam she stopped yelling about food and started on about what he was doing there. "Nico sorta dragged me here because... Why did you again?"

"Oh because it was getting too dark out for you to stay out alone, considering you got jumped last week by bandits, so... I'm making you stay here tonight, so the least I could do is feed you" Nico smiled up at him

"Only if it's ok with your parents" he looked up at Nicos dad for help

The man snickered, "Well, the look my daughters giving me is far scarier than your pleading face, sure you can stay over, it's completely fine, but Kakashi told me to alert you at 8AM tomorrow you need to go to the field, something about a test?"

Nico groaned, "Already? Fine, let's eat quickly and get ready for bed ok?" He nodded and she sat him at the table

They said their grace and ate fast, "Oh wow mrs Yamanaka, this is delicious." Addam spoke with half a mouthful. She smiled and thanked him for the compliment.

After dinner they went to Nicos room, where they had an argument about who sleeps where, they decided Addam gets the couch in her room and she stays in the bed.

The next morning they walked to the field and saw everyone else there. Sakura already tried to start screaming but Nico stopped her in her tracks, "I'm too tired to deal with you today, what's on the agenda Kakashi?"

Kakashi sighed and held up two silver bells, "When I say begin, the goal is to grab the bells, if you can't get a single bell in the allowed time you will be failed and you will be sent back to the academy to restart your teaching"

Sasuke raised his had and asked, "So, only two of us can pass? What about the other three assuming two of us can even get it,"

"They get sent back to the academy, I can't believe you aren't excited to test your skills Sasuke, this should be fun..." Nico had a devilish smirk

Kakashi finally gave them the go ahead to try and get them, Naruto tried to rush him while Nico, Addam, and Sasuke made a plan.

Sasuke goes from behind, Addam and Nico go from the left and from the right, they came close a few times but they were slightly too slow. After a while they started relentlessly rushing in with Naruto, it didn't work...

Little did they know, when Naruto thought no one was looking he tried to eat his food, but what caught by Kakashi, who tied him to a pole.

He told us to go to lunch, because it was noon, and that no matter what we couldn't give Naruto any food or else we would be banned from being ninjas.

As soon as Kakashi left Nico gave some of her lunch to him. Naruto tried to say he wasn't hungry but Nico practically shoved food into his mouth, they all took turns feeding him until he was content.

Kakashi came back to seeing all of them like that, "You all passed!" He smiled through the mask, the genin sat there in confusion, "Those who break the rules are scum, but those who abandon their comrades are worse than scum"

They all celebrated passing, they were then told they would be receiving a mission soon.

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