-Chapter 14-

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Everyone in team 7 now lived in Addams house, except for Sakura of course. They all actively hid the address from her. Nico worked on the gardens (vegetables in the back and flowers in the front) and brought a massive amount of books with her, they had to build a new shelf just to hold them, Addam found out shortly after she moved in that she was quite the reader.

To save money they shared a bed, neither of them cared really, they were just kids after all...

(The writer of the story stares into your soul, preparing to absolutely destroy those who make it weird)

Ino, Nicos sister (if you remember 🙄) brought over most of her stuff to move in, they tried to hide Sasuke but he walked out with Haku ruining their plan. By this point Nico had told Ino that Haku was a guy and she believed her, but she still fan-girled over Sasuke. After they saw Sasuke get uncomfortable with her flirting they sat down on couches faces eachother and explained that Sasuke was Sasugay, she understood and realized how badly she was messing up.

"Oh my god Sasuke I am so sorry, I didn't mean to- I wish I had known sooner then I would've helped you with Sakura..." Ino rubbed the back of her neck, Sasuke told her it was fine but she still felt guilty, "Don't worry, to make it up to you, sense Sakura doesn't believe Haku is a boy and that you're... She's a moron, but I will make sure she never finds this place, if she does it wasn't me that's for sure!"

They chuckled and sent her home, Nico still had tons of books but they were left in the basement, far too many to hold in a shared bedroom. So they just hung up her weapon collection and gave her a dresser to put her clothes into, "Yeah you can use mine I only have like three outfits" Addam spoke rubbing the back of his neck, "Thank youuuu" she looked up with sparkling eyes.

After they finished moving Nico into the room they went and got some Mochi from the shop to celebrate, Nico sensed Sakura a block away so Kakashi took Sasuke and Haku to a rooftop away from her so Nico could do her specialty; stall!

Sakura strode up to Naruto, Addam, and Nico, and immediately started badgering them for where her 'precious Sasuke-kun' is and Nico was already about to punch her but she calmed down. "Sasuke is in the place where the Uchiha massacre happened," she spoke knowing if anyone were caught there they would be arrested, that's when Ino came up behind them, "Yeah he's over there," she pointed, and Sakura, with a newfound determination, headed to the Uchiha sector, like a moron.

Once she was out of sight Kakashi brought the boys back. "She really never gives up does she, well at least the chunin exams are soon... Oh yeah you have a week to train," Kakashi chimed reading his book. Sasuke nodded, "Would've been nice to have a bit of a heads up but thanks for signing us up," Kakashi shrugged, "We just got the information don't blame me", after they finished the mochi they went home to make dinner...

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