-Chapter 15-

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Remember this story is just a vibe yknow?

"Nico, it's time to practice, remember?" Addam shook her awake, she glared at him with the fury of 1,000 suns, "Wake me up like that again and I'm not so sure you'll have a hand," she smirked

He backed away from her, "Sorry, you said you wanted to work on meditation and chakra storing today, remember?" Also I'm fairly certain you're a Jinchuriki based on the book Kakashi gave me...

Flashback time

Kakashi walked into Addams room while everyone was out, (Naruto training with Iruka sensei, Sasuke and Haku taking a walk, Nico in her little library at her house) "You're a jinchurichi aren't you..." he looked at the boy, "The amount of chakra you give off is unreasonable for a normal ninja..."

"Yeah and? I'm not TRYING to broadcast that to everyone so I train to make up for it, hide it, yknow?" He rubbed the back of his neck, "I'm fairly certain Nico is too, mostly because of how quick she is at learning, all she needs to do is read about it and she can accomplish it..."

Kakashi nodded, "I suspected as much, to think the hokage might've put three jinchurikis on the same team is reckless... Out of all the people to watch them it had to be me? *sigh* Here, I found this in the old library..." the books title was a jinchuriki and me and it went through all the signs of how to Identify a Jinchuriki, after Addam read that he was handed a second book, what to do when you're a Jinchuriki, this one taught meditation and communication with the tailed beast

—Back to present day—

Addam handed Nico the book what to do when you're a Jinchuriki, but the cover was covered in sticky notes, "Here, what the books information is will be confidential until you read it okay?"

She nodded, "Thank you!" Then she skipped off to her outdoor area, a small circular clearing in the woods, there were large stones libeling the outside, big enough to comfortably sit in, small enough to not get in the way too much. She set candles on every one of the rocks (seven rocks) lit them with one of the candles, lit an incense off of that. She sat in the middle of the circle and began to read

She read the book then began to meditate, half the day had already gone by...

It was hard at first, to focus enough to concentrate, she took deep breaths and adjusted herself in the usual meditation pose she saw in the book but nothing worked. Addam barreled through the tree line, tripped over a rock, and managed to just catch the plate that was flung from his hands, "Sorry to interrupt but I thought you might've been hungry, it's always easier for me after I eat, mind if I meditate with you?"

Nico nodded and ate the food, it was a delicious steak and rice meal, after she finished she tried again, successfully this time...

Me and my bfs Naruto roleplayNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ