"Elizabeth is Rhys's mom, he's 25, you know that, Bolt is 23 and." He paused and cleared his throat, "Frankie is 21."

I nodded.

"And Luxe is Mina's kid, Luxe is 18 this year."

I blinked.

"Thats only seven?"

"Hugo's mother is kinda unknown, he was from a fling, he is 22."

"So why didn't Elizabeth leave their father when that happened?"

"She did."

"So they had Frankie when they were divorced?"

He nodded.

I didn't want to be judgmental so I just nodded back, even if I was a little shocked at their entire family tree.

"Its not that hard, I thought he'd had like 10 wives from what mom said."

"Well 3 and a fling isn't really minimal either, Dylan." He added and I nodded. "True."

"Is Loretta still alive?"

He shook his head. "She passed a few years back, only Liz and Mina are alive, but they don't see eye to eye."

I grimaced. Of course.

"And they'll be seeing one another tomorrow?"

He shook his head and I cocked my head to the side, actually interested. "Magnus, Florence's husband already told both of them, but Flo isn't Liz's daughter and she doesn't live in Miami so she's not coming, so only Mina will come with Jack."

"Sounds like so much fun."

He snorted at my sarcasm.

"But Mina is sweet, Elizabeth too actually, honestly I think Jack just fucked with her far too much and she usually stays away from the family, he's not the- well the kindest man." He explained to me. "Anyway, everyone will be tired by the time the actual party starts."

Actual party?

"Just know who doesn't like who, Rhys is closest to Adair and Luxe, he doesn't like Hugo because Hugo doesn't like Frankie and Rhys practically raised Frankie even though they're not so close anymore, Florence doesn't like Hugo because actually no one really likes Hugo. Adair and Rhys are close mostly because of work though, since Adair is the CEO, but he spends most of his time in the head offices in New York so his barely here in Miami, so I guess they only talk because of work obligations, Luxe and Bolt are like the best friends of the house as well as Lila and Frankie."

I hummed.


It did seem like Adair was a lot like Rhys, meaning quiet, two quiet people would not result in a conversation, thats for sure.

"But in the end they're all still family."

He nodded at my words as he stood up. "True."

You may not necessarily like your family members but some small part of you will still love them.

He was walking away when I screeched out, "Wait! So what do I wear?"

He rose a brow at me. "How am I supposed to know? Ask Ki."

I rose a brow back.


I almost smirked at the fact that she was the first person who came to his mind when i'd said that.

"Whats the theme?"

"It starts at 4, at 4 till 9 its formal then you change, I have no idea what he has planned, just ask Kiana, she knows about all of it!" He yelled out as he left the room and I nodded at no one in particular as I took my phone from beside me and called her.

Counting the phones rings till she answered on the fourth with a throaty yawn. "Hello, yes?"

I snorted. "Good morning."

She chuckled on the other end because it was nearing 6pm, "I was just napping shh."

"I heard."

"Is there a reason you woke me up Dylan?"

I snorted, "Yes, Florence's party is tomorrow and Ambrose is more of a prick than a cactus so I have no idea what to wear, he said you'd know."

"Oh yes! He told me you'd probably be going with, I have two outfits for you already, one for the evening when you have to be a posh little princess and one for the night for the slutivities."

I burst out laughing at the last word she'd used.

"Seriously, you already got it set out?"

"Of course girl, and its your style don't worry, Kauai helped me too."

"Im not worried, you two are the best."

"We know!" I heard Kauai yell out in the backgorund And I giggled lightly.

"We can bring the dresses over in the morning, and also do your makeup!"

"Thank you!"

"No problem, now go get your own beauty sleep."

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