Chapter 25

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There was a splash, and Tubbo's breath was knocked out of his lungs. He thrashed upwards and burst through the surface, gasping for air. When he'd taken in a huge lungful, he promptly resumed screaming.



Tubbo shut his mouth, squinting his eyes at Dream. "But-"

"You're going to scare Tommy off." Dream looked at him with a measured glare that wasn't very threatening since the man was furiously doggy paddling. "Do you want to lose him forever?"

Tubbo looked back at him. "No."

"Then swim."

Tubbo lay facedown in the sand, his muscles aching with exertion. The sun was warm on his back. He relished in it - he couldn't remember the last time they'd had a sunny day on the Dream SMP. It was so different here.


It worked. The portal worked.

He was going to see Tommy.

He bolted up, buzzing with newfound energy-- only to freeze as his memories came rushing back.

Dream, dragging Tubbo to the ruins of L'Manberg. Dream, shoving him right into Technoblade's path. Dream, jumping into the crater and taking Tubbo with him.

Dream, shooting Phil in the heart.

Tubbo started quivering, shaking from the cold of the water that he now noticed was seeping through his clothes. The cold of the realization that Phil - the avian, Wil's murderer, father, the man who he'd looked up to from Tommy's wild stories, the man he now hated because he knew those stories were fake, the man who'd blown up his home, his country - was dead .

Philza was dead.

He didn't know how to feel.

His ears were ringing- was it the water? No, no he could hear before. He didn't see Dream anymore. Tubbo was looking around but he didn't see Dream . Was he gone? Had he left? Was he going to kill Tommy?


Everything was a blur. The sky grew dark. His mind was taking over, he couldn't hear, he couldn't see. Was he dying? Still in the water, drowning? Still falling, the bedrock growing closer and closer until he-

Was he dead?

He heard voices. Something touched him and he panicked, lashing out.


He couldn't.

"Look at me."

All he saw were moving shapes.

"Stay calm."


How was he supposed to stay calm when... when everyone he loved was probably dead?

No, but Ranboo was alive. He saw him.



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