Chapter 15

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Phil sat down on Ranboo's bed, his head in his hands.

"Tell me what you saw one more time."

"Carl was trying to eat the snow, and I told him-"

"No!" Phil shook his head. "I mean about Ranboo and Tubbo."

"Oh! That makes more sense. Dream came to Ranboo's house in the middle of the night, and it woke me up- by the way, did you know that I dyed my sheets blue?"

"Ghostbur!" Phil said, exasperated.

"Oh, sorry. Uh, where was I?"

"You saw Dream go to Ranboo's house."

"Oh, that. Then there was banging, and he carried them out."

"Banging? What kind of banging?" Phil asked.

Ghostbur furrowed his eyebrows before shaking his head. "I don't know."

Phil groaned before falling back onto the bed, his hat flopping to the side.

"You said they were unconscious?" Techno asked, straightening against the doorway, as Phil shoved his hat back on.

"Yeah. They were also really bloody! Just like me!" Ghostbur pointed to his ripped sweater.

As hard as he tried, Phil couldn't hold back a cringe at the reminder of what he'd done.

Techno raised an eyebrow, obviously noticing Phil's reaction. "That's probably what the banging was."

Phil ignored the look, sitting up and shoving his hat back on his head. " So you think Dream knocked them out?"

"I mean, who else could it have been?" Techno asked, sarcasm rising in his voice.

"I don't know!"

Techno shook his head. "I'm going outside to look for them."

"How? Dream could have taken them anywhere!" Phil looked at Ghostbur. "Did you happen to follow them?"

Ghostbur thought for a moment. "Yep!"

Phil shot to his feet. "And you didn't think to say this earlier?" He half-shouted. Ghostbur shrank back.

"I- I guess not-" He whispered.

Techno stepped in. "Can you lead us to them?"

"I don't remember."

"You don't remember what?"

"I don't remember where they went."

Philza groaned and stormed out of the house. He loved Ghostbur, he really did, but he missed his real son more than he could put into words.

He missed Wil's logic, how he could talk his way out of any situation. He missed his chaos, how he claimed to be "sand jesus", and his rants about anteaters. He missed the soft strumming of his guitar. He missed that beanie he would never take off. He missed that dorky grin. He missed his loud, moody son.

He missed when Wil was alive.

Phil never got to see Wilbur grow up. He wasn't there to stop him from falling into insanity, from literally blowing up his country. And Phil hated himself for it.


Philza turned on his heel, glaring back at Ranboo's house. "What?"

"I found something."

Techno stepped out of the house, delicately holding a book, comically small in the piglin's large hands.

Phil reluctantly started walking back. "What is it"

Techno glanced at the book. "It's one of Ranboo's memory books."

"Like the one Dream had at the community house?"

Ghostbur drifted out of the house, a smile plastered back on his face. "Yep!"

Philza took the book and flipped through it, glancing at his son. "What about it?"

Techno shifted. "Read the last couple of entries."

Phil flipped to the last page, skimming through the hasty writing.

"I think Tommy's alive. He's got to be alive." Phil read aloud. "Techno? What is this about? Why does Ranboo think Tommy is..." He trailed off.

"I don't know. Keep on reading."

"Dream knows. I'm scared. Can't trust anybody." Phil continued, a worried frown on his face. "Techno, is this-?"

Technoblade shook his head. "I don't know, but I think we've got to hurry up and find them."

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