Chapter 13

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[There's some pretty graphic stuff here, so I put a stopping point if you want to skip over it]

Ranboo hated headaches.

Half of the time, they came when he was in a good mood and ruined his day.

The other half came after he blanked out.

Those were much worse than the first, and it just so happened to be what he was feeling right now. Except now the pain felt too- real. Like it was more physical than mental.

But how did that make sense? The wars were finally over. He was actually not in danger!

Then, why did it hurt?

Then, all at once, it came back.




Ranboo wasn't exactly sure what had happened. Still, he remembered that haunting porcelain mask staring at him from the doorway.

And now he had a headache.

He was in trouble, wasn't he?


Tubbo groaned and sat up, rubbing his eyes. His head hurt, which was a bit alarming. There was also the fact that he was just kidnapped by Dream. That was bad too.

He forced his eyes open, squinting to see in the dim light.

The room Tubbo was in was pretty much empty. The walls were a dark obsidian, interrupted by a single iron door. Nothing decorating the walls. Nothing on the floor.

Save for a huddled form next to him.

Ranboo was lying next to him, still unconscious. He had dried blood on his brow, turning his multicoloured skin a brownish-red. Tubbo felt his own face, wincing as his fingers brushed the spot where Dream must have hit him.

Tubbo stared at his fingers as they came back red. His head felt fuzzy, and he wondered if he had a concussion.


He slumped against the wall and put his pounding head in his hands.

This was not good.


Ranboo finally mustered up the courage to open his eyes and immediately wished he hadn't.

He was in an obsidian room.

Just like the panic room.

He squeezed his eyes shut again, but the memories had already resurfaced.

The voices.

He was a traitor. He ruined everything. He's why Tommy died.

No, Dream was why Tommy died.

Why did it all have to lead back to Dream?

Dream, with that voice that plagued his nightmares.

Dream with that smile.

Ranboo opened his eyes again, preferring the real world or was it? over the horror that was his mind.

He spotted Tubbo slumped against the wall, filling the hybrid with relief.

He wasn't alone. Dream couldn't get to him if he wasn't alone.

He needed Tubbo.

Ranboo struggled to sit up, wincing as his vision filled with spots. His head hurt, yes, but he didn't think he had a concussion. Not that he'd had one before, but still. Wait, he'd hadn't, right?

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