Chapter 8

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A smile appeared on Dream's face as he breathed in the fresh air of his victory. Everything was going perfectly: L'Manberg was gone, destroyed, and that annoying brat was dead.

The kill was perfect, dramatic even. Dream had approached the child sniffling on the edge of the crater that was L'Manberg and finished him off with a clean swipe of his axe, sending Tommy down into the hole.

There was no question of his death. Even if the wound didn't kill him, which it probably didn't (That kid seemed immortal when it came to injuries), the crater went down to bedrock, and no one could survive that fall. What made the kill even better was the lightning that lit up the boy as he fell. Everyone had been able to see their only hope fall into oblivion.

They weren't taking it well, to say the least. Phil and Techno had retreated to their cabin after Tommy's funeral and hadn't come out since. Tubbo had a panic attack at said funeral, a show of weakness that put a smile on Dream's face. Ghostbur was said to have dissolved, overcome by grief. Dream doubted that; Nothing could get rid of Wilbur Soot, no matter how hard Dream tried. Overall, the rebellious spark Tommy had lit had gone out, and everything was perfect.

Until Ranboo.

Ranboo was Dream's prized possession, now that Tommy was dead. Everyone trusted the hybrid. He was kind and helpful, and they pitied him due to his memory problems. That's why he was the perfect servant.

Not that he did it willingly. Dream only used him when he was asleep, so he was unaware of his actions: helping Dream blow up the community house and betraying all his friends, among other things.

Unless, of course, Dream told him.

It may not be practical to tell the kid he was being mind-controlled, but boy, was it fun. There was something about crushing children's mental health that filled Dream with unfathomable joy.

Therefore, he made sure to do it often.

But there was one problem with Ranboo: he was curious. That boy read anything and everything, and sooner or later, he could come across something Dream didn't particularly want him to see.

That's why when Dream saw Ranboo trying to be secretive while obviously plotting with Tubbo, he got suspicious.

While Ranboo and Tubbo were friends, Dream wouldn't expect Tubbo to be so talkative after Tommy's death.

Something was going on.


Tubbo frowned as Ranboo left his house. Although they had looked through practically every book imaginable, they hadn't found anything more about the Bedrock theory. Ranboo had suggested that they try to recreate it, but there hadn't been a thunderstorm, and Tubbo was losing hope. Nothing ever worked out for him, so who's to say this would?

Suddenly, a knock sounded on his door. It was odd, as Ranboo was the only one who visited him, and he just left. Maybe it was someone else for a change!

Tubbo untangled himself from the criss-cross position he was sitting in on his bed and hauled himself up, wincing as his muscles protested. He really needed to get out more.

The knock came again, this time with a voice.

"If you don't open the door, I'll do it myself."


Oh no.

No, no, no, no.

Not Dream. It couldn't be Dream.

Anyone but Dream.


Tubbo shakily stepped forward from where he had backed against the wall.

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