Chapter 1

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Bedrock is an unusual block. Its appearance is odd enough: black, white and grey specks, almost like static on a television. It is found in only the most extreme places, the very bottom of the overworld, the Nether roof. And, in rare circumstances, say, when struck by lightning, bedrock becomes a portal. It becomes a portal to another world.


Tommy peered through the rain. A bolt of lightning cut through the inky blackness, lighting up the world for a second. But then it was dark. He really hated the dark. It consumed everything, taking away all life. L'Manberg used to be so bright. Every night, the citizens of the country had set off lanterns, lighting up the dark sky. Now the lanterns were gone, along with everything else.

Tommy could almost still hear the booming of TNT in his ears, a reminder of what Dream had done, along with the betrayal of Tommy's brother. Now it was quiet, save for the occasional clap of thunder. He couldn't see anyone else through the sheets of rain that poured down around him. It was just Tommy and the crater he had once called his home.

Tommy couldn't believe the war- if it could even be called a war- had happened only a couple of hours ago. It felt like ages had passed. He tried to stand, cursing as he moved an injured arm. Really, his whole body hurt. That was a side effect of being blown up multiple times. He slowly limped over to the edge of the crater. The TNT had made a hole that went down to bedrock. A fall from this height would be deadly.

Suddenly, Tommy felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked behind him to see a smiling porcelain mask staring back at him. Tommy jumped up, reaching for his axe, his sword, anything that could be used as a weapon. He cursed again. He had forgotten he lost all his stuff.

"Tommy," Dream said, "What are you doing out here all alone? You could get hurt!"

"Get away from me, Dream," Tommy said bitterly.

Dream gasped in mock offence, putting his hand to his armour-clad chest. "I'm just trying to help you! You should be grateful."

"Get away from me!" Tommy shouted.

Dream's face clouded over. "You don't speak to me like that, Tommy."


"DID YOU HEAR ME?" Dream yelled.

"Y- yes. I'm sorry," Tommy stammered, "I- I don't have anything on me, ple-"

"You see, Tommy, I don't think you're sorry." Dream stepped closer, "I don't think you're sorry at all. And you know what? I've gotten tired of all the disrespect you've given me."


Tommy's eyes grew wide as Dream pulled out his axe. He scooted back a bit, nearing dangerously close to the crater's edge.

"Dr-Dream, please."

Dream smiled a sad grin. "You're no fun anymore, Tommy."

He approached closer, the axe raised. The smile turned into a cruel one as he stood over the cowering teen.


Dream brought the axe down.

Tommy let out a cry as he felt the axe tear through his shirt, the warmth spreading from his chest cutting through the chill of the stormy night. He felt himself slip off the edge of the cliff, falling to bedrock. He saw lightning flash before his eyes as he neared the ground. But he didn't see a void open up beneath him; he didn't feel it swallowing him as he fell into another world.


A clap of what sounded like thunder startled Mumbo Jumbo as he was about to head into Grian's barge. He looked up at the clear, sunny day, confused by the sound, just as he saw a boy fall from the sky.

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