Chapter 24

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"I'm not an idiot."

Dream cocked his head. "I never said you were."

"I know how you work, Dream ," Tubbo spat. "You say that if I help, you won't kill Tommy." He laughed bitterly. "You're a fucking liar. "

"Well, that's awfully rude. When have I ever lied to you?"

"Are you forgetting exile? When you told me Tommy was dead? You knew he was alive, you bastard! You lied to my face! "

Dream stepped back, mockingly holding up his hands. "I didn't know! I only told you that because I thought it was true!"

"You didn't look too surprised when he showed up with Techno, though, did you?"

"Tubbo, do you know how many times that boy has come back to life? How hard he is to kill? I knew his death was too good to be true."

Tubbo's mouth fell open. "You're basically saying you want him to die!"

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't." Dream tilted his head. "But don't you want to give Tommy a chance? I'm giving you a way to ensure his survival. Yours too. Do you want to throw it away?" He paused, his gaze boring into Tubbo. "And. . . don't forget that I know where Ranboo lives. And Nihachu. And everyone you love. Do you really want to throw away all of their lives?"

Tubbo shut his mouth.

"So now you know the consequences of disobeying me." Dream smiled. "Make the right choice, Tubbo."


Ranboo's eyes widened. "You need my help? Really?"

Technoblade sighed. "Follow me."

"Yes!" Ranboo whispered under his breath. Techno gave him a sour glance as they walked out the door.

"We'll be back, Ghostbur!" Ranboo called behind him.

"Okay!" The ghost responded.

Ranboo jogged to keep up with the piglin's quick pace. "So, what do you need me to do?"

Techno stayed silent, and Ranboo took the hint. They stepped through the nether portal and into L'Manburg.

"Uh, w-what are we doing here?" Ranboo looked around nervously, half expecting Dream to pop out from behind a rock and take him back to that hellhole of a cell he'd been stuck in. Obsidian certainly wasn't a "safe space" for him anymore. Techno looked equally uncomfortable, gripping the hilt of his sword so tightly his knuckles were white.

"Do you remember where Tommy fell?"

"Yeah, sort of. The general area."

"Where was it."

Ranboo showed him the ledge he had seen Tommy sitting on. He wasn't exactly sure why he'd been watching the blonde at that particular moment, but he was.

And then Dream came, and he didn't do anything. Couldn't do anything. Just watched as blood splattered, lightning flashed, and Tommy fell . He hated himself for it.

"Okay, thank you, Ranboo. You can go back now. I need to think this through."

Ranboo paused his internal narrative, staring at the piglin. "What?"

"You can go back now."

"I thought I was going to help?"

" Ranboo. "

"I- I just don't get why you're sending me back," Techno gave him a look. "I mean, I want to get Tommy back, yes, but what about Tubbo? Maybe I can do that? Try to find where Dream took him- I can get him back!"

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