Chapter 20

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"No!" Mumbo shouted, standing up and grabbing Etho's arm. Etho paused, looking at him curiously.


Mumbo swallowed and took his hand away, looking at his feet. "Remember how I mentioned that I didn't want to get hurt? Well, uh, I don't want to get hurt."

"I'm not following." Etho looked worried, something that was proving to be common.

Mumbo nudged a rock with his toe. "Tommy may or may not have threatened to kill me if I told anybody." Mumbo looked up as Etho's eyes went wide. Before the older man could say anything, he cut in. "But don't be worried or anything. I can take care of myself."

"But-" Etho tried to protest.

Trust me." Mumbo said, trying to keep his voice steady. "I know him better than you do."

Etho sighed and scratched the back of his neck. "I do trust you, Mumbo, but..." He trailed off, seeming to give in. "So, can I still talk to him?"

Mumbo rubbed his arm, thinking it over. Etho would be careful; he knew that. So wouldn't it be okay if he talked to Tommy? Mumbo was relatively sure Tommy would get over it. He would never hurt him. Right?

He took a deep breath.


"Sure," he said, albeit hesitantly. "You can talk to him. Just, you know, be careful."

He hoped this wasn't a mistake.


Tommy was busy brooding in his van when he heard a thump outside, followed by a yelp of pain. He looked away from his brooding-wall and peered out the window, his eyes catching sight of a relatively tall, white-haired man struggling to get to his feet.

Tommy stood and opened the door, hesitantly stepping outside.

The man, who Tommy recognized from his introduction to everyone a few weeks ago, coughed and finally rose, hastily explaining. "It was a rough landing."

Tommy looked cautiously at the mask covering the lower half of his face. He didn't exactly have good experiences with masks.

Etho didn't seem to take the hint and slowly stepped forward, putting his hands out in a sign of peace. "I'm Etho," He said, composing himself. His voice had changed into a slow, careful tone, just like how Dream sounded in exile. Friendly, cautious. Tommy immediately didn't trust him.

"So," The man, Etho, continued, "I heard about what happened."

Tommy stiffened. What did Etho know? His stomach twisted. "What?" Tommy managed, his words coming out in a squeak. He cleared his throat and repeated himself. "What do you know?"

"Um," Etho rubbed the back of his neck. "Mumbo told me about what you went through."

Tommy gave a bitter laugh as his face darkened. "I knew it." He whispered to himself. Etho's eyes widened at Tommy's reaction.

"He was just trying to help you," He tried. "We all want to help you!"

"Help me?!" Tommy exploded, throwing his hands out. "How does lying help me?" He laughed again. "Since you apparently know so much about me, then you should know that that's the worst thing to do!" He sighed. "You're just like Wilbur."

"Tommy, wait-"

Tommy pulled out his elytra and exploded into the air before that bastard could say another word.


Tommy wiped his eyes as he landed harshly on the main floor of Mumbo's base. He peered down into the basement, his eyes searching for the man. The blonde scowled as he saw the person he had grown to trust, the only person that hadn't betrayed him. And, now he had. Typical.

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