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Harry was shocked.

He never expected Louis to question his love for him.

Harry took a deep breath as he was about to speak, Louis chuckled as he asked,"Can we take this back to your place? I don't wanna stress Niall. He's pregnant". The triplets nodded as they were about to reach for the door, Louis' name was called. They turned around as Niall rushed to give Louis a hug. Louis hugged the pregnant omega back as they parted away, Niall said,"Call me if anytime. Okay?". Louis nodded as he said,"Take care". They said their goodbyes as Louis climbed into his alpha's car.

Harry had his head down the whole time, he didn't knew what to say or expect. He was scared. He scared of losing his omega. Edward took a deep breath as he connected his mind with Marcel.

This is not going good. Edward stated.

I know. Marcel replied.

Wait! Eleanor. We forgot about her. I'm not gonna go pick her up. Edward confirmed.

Don't worry. She went to one of her friend's place. She texted me. Marcel assured.

Okay. Edward replied.


"Louis please lis-" Harry was cut off by Louis as he stated,"I'm going to my room". The triplets see their omega rush to the room he used to stay in earlier. Harry broke down into tears as he said,"I fucked up big time". Marcel and Edward wrapped their arms around him as Edward said,"Shh it's not your mistake Hazza. We're all in it". Harry defended back,"Then why did he question my love for him. I-I don't know what to do". Marcel rubbed his back as he said,"We need to gain his trust back".


"Oh my. Please come in" Jay said as she saw her son in laws standing at the door. The triplets nodded as they walked inside. Jay asked,"What would you like to have? Tea? Coffee?". Edward replied,"No it's alright. We actually wanted to talk to you". Jay nodded as she sat down on the couch, infront of them. She asked,"Is everything alright? Is Louis okay?". Marcel sighed as he replied,"We are really sorry for what we're going to tell you". Jay placed her hands on Edward and Marcel's as she said,"Don't hesitate boys. You're family". Edward took a deep breath as he stated,"I think you already know about Eleanor". Jay sighed as she replied,"Yeah. But when Mark told me the reason. I understand what Louis did". Marcel added,"S-She's pregnant".

Jay's mouth was left hanging hearing the news. Edward added,"We haven't told anyone yet". Jay didn't budge as she asked,"Is Louis alright?". Harry immediately replied,"N-No. He isn't. That's why we are here". Harry kneeled infront of Jay as he held her hands and said,"We need your help Jay. Louis, we can't lose him. We love him". Edward and Marcel did the same as they said,"We need him. We need to gain his trust back".

Jay took a deep breath as she asked,"What did he do?". Edward replied,"When he first got the news, he went to one of our friend's omega. W-We went to apologize today and he wants us to show our love for him". Jay immediately asked in response,"Haven't you all mated yet?". The triplets shaked their heads making Jay stand up. She said,"Follow me".

The triplets did as told to, Jay took them upstairs to her room. The alphas were confused on what was going on. Jay opened her closet as she grabbed a red box. She turned around as she was facing the triplets.

"What's this?" Harry asked.

"This is my ancestor necklace. Our ancestors used to show this as a symbol of love and loyalty" Jay replied. She slowly opened the red box as the alphas took a glance of the beautiful necklace.

"Louis knows about it. Maybe he'll forgive you" Jay stated. Edward asked,"How are you so sure?" In a whisper.

Jay took a deep breath as she replied,"I'm not sure myself but I hope. I've never seen him this happy boys. You keep him happy and I want that for the rest of his life". Marcel said,"We promise you. We promise that he will be happy". Jay nodded as a tear escaped her eye. She quickly wiped it as she asked,"When you all confessed your love. Did-Did he reply back?".

"He was the first one to say it" Harry said with a smile on his face.

"H-How can you love each other. Oh god. Did his?" Jay said with a gasp. The triplets were confused on what she was saying. Marcel asked,"What do you mean Jay? Yes, we haven't mated but yes we love each other". Jay replied,"Louis isn't a normal omega".......

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