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All the soldiers tried to follow those strangers. They followed them to the main castle, 'The Eagle's Eye', but they did not find any mark of those strangers. They got vanished into thin air. All four of them got away.

They jumped into the light of the moon and quickly managed to save their lives. The soldiers returned back to King Gilbert's castle to report them about the situation. They found the missing stranger fallen on the ground. They got to him and check his pulse to find whether he was alive or not. They thought if he finds out to be alive then they will make him talk and find out the whereabouts of his others troop members; all of them will be punished for their crime. Thinking about that the commander of King Lowell reached to him.

'He checked his pulse and found out he was alive.'

The commander caught him and was about to make him his prisoner. He looked into his eyes when the fifth stranger's light got vanished. He died. His blood was splashed all over the place on the land. He died because of heavy blood loss.

All of his hopes got flooded. He got angry and threw his body. He knew it was of no good.

'The only way to those chipmunks got closed forever.'

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The commander ordered the rest to go back to their stationed position and guard it well. He blamed everyone for slacking in their work for breaching. The commander returns to King Gilbert's castle. He seemed to be very desperate and anger.

He saw something strange when he reached the glowing thing. He felt some change in the scenery.

'The golden glowing thing was at a higher height.'

There was an increase in the water flowing from that glowing thing. The plants and trees around the glowing thing were increased in numbers and their length had also got increased. Few trees were touching King Gilbert's castle. It had become like a waterfall. The water was continuously flowing from that glowing thing from the height. It had changed its way.

The glowing thing was in the mid of the water. It was surrounded by water from all directions like a security defense created by the golden thing for himself. The view was quite amazing. It had caught every soldier and people's attraction those were out on the street.

All the soldiers were tired. The night was at its peak. The commander told the kings that four out of the five of them were managed to escape and one of them got killed. They threw him away and burnt his body. The kings were feeling sleepy and they were also drunk. King Gilbert ordered his soldiers to guard the glowing thing and the rest of them could take a nap and change their shifts. He said, 'We will decide what we have to in the morning.'

'The kings went to their chamber and slept in a moment except for King Lowell. He was standing in front of his window. He was staring at the golden glowing thing.'

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The very next morning, the guards were standing in front of every King's door and knocking them to wake up. The commander of King Gilbert came inside when King Gilbert opened his door and said, 'There is a disaster came upon us. The people were panicking. They all are waiting for you and the other kings to come out. We have told them not to panic.

King Gilbert asked furiously, 'Tell me what happened?'

The commander replied, 'My Lord, please take a look by yourself. You will know in a moment.'

kings and the beasts: war of ten kingdoms Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora