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It's been a month since everything started. Tzuyu visit Tae's house once a week for sure. Her Mom is sweet and she loves to spend time with Tzuyu. For Tzuyu she already found her mother in Tae's Mom.
While for Tae he is somewhat ok with her coming to his house, since his Mom is happy with her. He don't really mind. But still he is annoyed with Tzuyu's behaviour. She surely did something to him. He let her touch him. He don't want to but when she touch his cheeks everytime and he just let her do. Even though he haven't realized it yet, but a soft corner at the very end of his heart is already developed for Tzuyu.

Sana is now very good friend with Taehyung. Nayeon Sana Momo and Chaeyoung haven't bullied anyone since months. While for Tzuyu she try her best not to bully. But it's in her character and she does something stupid that makes Taehyung boil. Because of this whenever Taehyung think of talking to Tzuyu nicely, she mess up!


Prof. Yoongi entered the class and everyone stood to bow to him.
"So I brought your corrected test papers which I'm going to distribute" he said. The room tensed up. Everyone knows Prof Yoongi give punishment to the students who failed in the test. To write the whole paper 10 times!

He started distribution with first to the once who failed.
"Chou Tzuyu" he called. She casually got up and walked towards him. She knows she is going to fail anyway.

"It's a miracle Miss Chou" Yoongi said. Tzuyu raised and eyebrow and look into the paper.
She passed!

Like just pass though. But atleast she don't have to do extra work. She smiled happily.
"Good, this time you passed Tzuyu" Yoongi stated.
"Thank you" she happily replied. And for many of the class it's their first time seeing Tzuyu smile. It's first time for Prof. Min as well. Taehyung just looked at the girl who looks really happy and without his notice he is smiling.

"Tae are you smiling?" Jungkook asked looking at him.
"Ani" Taehyung quickly defended.
"Don't tell me, you are falling for her Tae" Jungkook smirked.
"Jungkook, it's nothing ok" Tae rolled his eyes.
"As you say" Jungkook shrugged.

Prof again started distributing the papers. Jungkook got up when he was called and he scored pretty well.
"Kim Taehyung" finally his name came. He got up and walked towards him.

"Well the first day you came I knew you were good in studies. And I'm proud you got full marks. You are the first one in this class to get a perfect score." Professor smiled happily. Everyone gasped, it's first time in their class someone getting full marks.
"It's my favourite subject that's why" Taehyung replied. His eyes automatically looked at Tzuyu who is looking at him with a really proud smile. Yoongi looked at her and chuckled.

"Someone is really proud of you" Yoongi said. Taehyung quickly removed his gaze from her and awkwardly smiled looking at him.
"Congratulations Tae" Sana shouted from behind to which Taehyung smiled at her. But their was someone who is glaring at her. Of course Chou Tzuyu. Sana smirked seeing her aim exactly hit the point. Tzuyu's jealousy reached the peak seeing him smiling at her. So she as always took a very unique step

"Congratulations Love" Tzuyu shouted. The class turned silent. Jungkook widen his eyes. Sana was looking at her without any expression. While Professor tried his best not to laugh at this.

But Taehyung he was stunned by this.

' Did she just called me love in front of whole classes and Prof.Min'
He glared at her for this, but for Tzuyu it was normal, she loves him and that's the fact.

"What? I'm just telling the truth" she shrugged. Taehyung just sighed and walked towards his seat. Even though Tzuyu haven't got the smile from Taehyung but she is proud of herself for such a bold move in front of everyone, and the best part was Sana's face. She internally chuckled.

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