He can't deny, if it's regarding work.

"Me?...Ah yes yes I completely forgot." Kyungsoo laughed awkwardly, Standing up.

"I think I should go now PDnim...Then I'll speak with you later." Kyungsoo bowed and turned towards me.

He mouthed a small thank you, I shook my head winking. He quickly went towards Kai's table.

Well my job here is done.

"What do you think you are doing?" The Producer asked me a little annoyed. I tried not to roll my eyes. Ofcourse I can't upset him...

I need to do something to this old hag.

I smirked mentally.

"Aigoo...I am sorry. Producer Lee, it's just, you know how much health is important for idols, that's why. Oh why don't I pour you some drink?"
I quickly changed the subject picking up a Soju bottle.

I grabbed a huge glass and filled it till the brim.

"I hope you can drink this much..." I asked in a mocking tone. I did hear that he was quite proud of his drinking. Let's see how long you can hold out.

The Producer, grunted and grabbed the drink from me.

I did learn few techniques from my grandpa on mixing the drinks. One shot was enough to knock one up.

Though I was skilled in this, my alcohol tolerance is too low. I wish I inherited my grandpa's height instead of this.

Soon the producer was drunk. I smiled to myself in victory.

"Manager Byun....Its not nice for you to only give us, Why don't you drink some too!" The producer said throwing his arms around my shoulder.

Ah shit...I can't get drunk...

"No no....It's ok, I need to drive too, so you can drink." I said smiling pouring another glass. The producer shook his head not satisfied.

Aish...did I not knock him of yet.

"I won't take no as an answer! Here you should drink it." The producer took the glass from and tried to make me drink forcefully.

Ughh... seriously this old hag-

The other staffs of the producer too were cheering the producer, in making me drink.

Before I could resist, the Producer made me drink it. I could feel the alcohol burning my throat.

I really wanted to punch that guy in the face. If only he wasn't the Damn producer. I don't care what happens to me, but since Kai's future depends on this project...I really can't do anything to ruin his reputation.

Slowly I could feel my head get Fuzzy. 

Somehow I sliped from the table and went to the restroom.


Ughh!! My head hurts!

Aishh...I can remember anything after that.

Why do I feel like I forgot something important....

I shook my head and went to the Bathroom to freshen up. Finishing my morning routine. I headed to the kitchen to make some hangover soup.

I noticed Jongin too had woken up and came sat behind the counter.

"Yah How are you?" I asked him placing a bowl of soup in front of him. He nodded sluggish and looked at me.

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