I was busy scrolling thru social media when the door chime and I look up to the door and It's one of Jennie's friend Karina, she's the mean one and homophobe.

I bowed my head to hide my face. I don't want her to notice me and ruin my day.

After a minute I decide to peek if she was still there and fvck. I caught her staring at me with a smirk.

She grab her order from the counter and marched towards my table.

"Please not now." I mumbled and tried to text Jennie fast before Karina see her.

L: Nini don't come here! Your friend Karina is here!

J: What?! Don't talk to her. I'm on my way.

"Hey." she said while snapping her finger in front of me.

"Where's your girlfriend?" She asked and sat down

I just stayed silent and pretending that I'm busy with my phone.

"Hey freak I'm talking to you!" She half shouted and I look at her annoyed.

Why is she even talking to me if she hate me? Maybe she's the freak one. Heh.

"What do you want?" I asked while crossing my arms

"Well first, I don't want anything from you. I was just asking a question and you're rude for ignoring me." She said as a matter of fact.

"Well Miss, I don't like talking to strangers." I said sarcastically

"My names Karina and I know your name is Lisa so we're not strangers." She said smirking.

She set aside her coffee and mine and she's leaning towards the table.

"Don't act so tough Lisa. I know you like me." She confidently said

"Ha-ha you should be a comedian not a Law student." I scoffed at her. Unbelievable. She thinks highly of herself.

"Don't deny it. I always caught you looking when i eat at the cafeteria. *chuckle* You're cute but not my type. You could pass as my puppy tho. Hahaha." She said

Oh my God! She's so annoying. I didn't answer her and leave her behind. She was calling me but I didn't dare to look back. I was so annoyed and hurriedly leave the café. If I know she's the one having a crush on me but she's just in denial.

I texted Jennie that I left the Café and I'm waiting here at the bus stop near the Café.

After a minute I saw her car approaching. I don't know if I should tell her what happened at the Café but I don't want to ruin the night. I hop inside her car and put my seat belt on.

"Heyyy." She said and lean in for a kiss.

So I hold her face with my right hand and kiss her deeply.

"Hmm *kiss* I miss you." She said while looking through my soul.

"I miss you more Love. Sorry if I was cold for the past 2 days. I was just thinking and busy preparing for surprise." I said and smiled at her

We heard some honking cars behind us and we both laugh. So she starrted driving towards my house.

"Sooo what is this surprise you were talking about?" She asked

"I planned taking you on a road trip tomorrow for our seventh monthsary and it's an overnight stay at the beach." I said with a big smile on my face

"Wow! Hon that's nice. But why wait tomorrow if we can drive to the beach today?" She said while glancing at me and back on the road

"Love are you sure? Maybe we can rest for tonight because it's a long way drive. As much as I want to drive us there but I can't." I said pouting

"Oh baby, I love spending time with you and I'm not tired cause you are my rest." She said side glancing and gave me a flirty wink.

"Hahaha okay. I'm not complaining. After you drop off, you should go home also and prepare your things and where should we meet after?"

"I can pick you up again at your house Hon."

"Okay nice! It's my surprise for you but I'm more excited hehe." I said and giggled

We arrived at my house and lean in for a kiss.

"*kiss* Drive safely Love." I said after the kiss. I got out of her car and we bid our goodbyes.

"See you later Hon. Love you!"

"Love you more." I said and wave my hand when she starts retreating.

I got inside and told mom about our trip and luckily she approved. I was so excited and prepare my bag immediately. After 30 minutes I decided to take a quick shower.

When I finished everything I needed to do. I look at my watch and it's already 7pm. So I texted cause we can't leave later than 8pm, it's so late and I can let Jennie drive that late, it's a 3 hour drive.

L: Don't stood me up Love. I'm all ready now. ;)

After 10 minutes I texted her again and I'm a bit upset if she's gonna forget about me again.

L: Love I'm still waiting. I didn't eat dinner cause I was thinking we could get a drive thru together. :(
Sent 7:12pm

L: Jennie if you're not up for this, better reply cause I don't want us to fight again.
Sent 7:23pm

After 30mins waiting for her reply I got nothing. I throw my phone at my side table and rid off my shoes. I jump at my bed and sighing deeply to control my tears from falling.

Fvck it! I thought everything will be okay now. I thought we were fine.

I quickly opened my eyes when I hear someone honking outside. I run outside my room and opened the door and I saw Jennie's car, she's walking towards me.
My disappointment were vanished when I saw her gummy smile.

"Nini!" I run barefoot towards her and embrace her tightly.

"*chuckle* miss me that much?" She said higging me back.

"I thought you're gonna stood me up." I said and pouted

"Sorry my phone was silent and I stop by at the mall to buy something." She said cooing me

We broke the hug and I held her hands inside my house.

"Mom, Jennie is here! We're going now! Tell dad I'm with her future daughter-in law *giggled*" i shouted when we got inside the living room.

I look at Jennie and she looks flustered when I said the last words. I wink at her and hurriedly got my bag in my room.

We are now inside her car and  we both can't stop giggling when we settling inside.  We were like 2 kids who's excited for a school trip.

She starts the engine and I decided to play a song.

"Ready?" She asked

"*kiss* Yes Love." I said and gave her a smack kiss on the lips.

She started driving and I opened my window when we were passing by at these tall buildings. I put my hand outside while feeling the cold wind within my hand.

While Harry's song is playing on the background.
"We'll be a fine line
We'll be a fine line
We'll be alright (alright, alright, alright)..."

Happier Than Ever - Jenlisa FanficWhere stories live. Discover now