Chapter 19

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(Sorry That I haven't been updating frequently, Real life situations are causing this. But I hope you all enjoy the chapter.)

—Northeastern Philades, Topa—

The Kingdom of Topa one of the few First Nations to have established diplomatic ties with NATO. The changes caused by these ties are viewed with staggerint positivity, industrialization from Russia and Weapons Acquirement from Britain had provided them a significant military force, rifled muskets and Cannons equivalent to that of the Colonial era, fielded in larger numbers.

The main reason for such view would be their current and widely recognized purpose of defending Philades from the continent Northeast it; Grameus.

Grameus was a continent comparable in size to that of Philades, widely known as entirely populated with creatures called 'demons'. the intense concentration already sparked the widely accepted assumption that settlements of humans or demi-humans do not exist in any form up there.

No one could communicate with these demons, animalistic and barbarous, they attack any and all non-demonic race. These creatures did not have any kind of civilization, lacking any capacity of civility or courtesy, Not even for each-other as assumed. Much of NATO, starting With Germany, have explicitly viewed them as 'Pests that are to be eliminated immediately upon visual contact.'

With The primary defence against these demons being a Wall.

(A/N: I couldn't stop thinking and laughing about that blonde orange of a President when I first typed this.)

The Castle Town Tormis was essentially the site of the main garrison guarding the walls, it's own walls visibly connected to the Great Wall, possessing a single point of entrance and exit, dubbed as 'The Doors of the world'. It's through these defensive points, that any and all demons were repelled.

Today Unfortunately-


"Uu... I feel so deprived. I wanna lie down..." Gai, A topan guard yawned dispiritedly, having been pushed through extra and extensive training ever since the acquirement of Rifled Muskets. Which was imperative, Being a former-swordsman and all, when the standard weapon was now a gun.

"Come now, remember our task. We are the ones responsible for the protection of Every Innocent in Philades." his childhood friend, the knight Moah, told him as he handed him his hat.

Many were generally skeptical of dissuading a significant number of their Armour for the purpose of more 'stylish', Parpaldian-like clothing, But a compromise was made, and a few Armour pieces had been left untouched, specifically the chest plate, and Limb-platings.

Gai looked down at the wall. "The Doors to the World are 60 feet high. In the last ten years, nothing too severe has come our way. Even if I take a nap, it's all the same, right?"

"...If you look back a hundred years, orcs and goblin lords have also attacked the wall. They are foes that shouldn't be dealt with carelessly." the elvish knight rebutted.

Gai was silent for a moment. "I guess you're right. Orcs are so strong you'd need ten knights working together to defeat it."


"*sigh* Those new countries that we became friendly with... Britain and Russia? Why haven't just decide to give us much more needed hands."

"It's already been established they are just a bit like parpaldia when it comes to technological exchange. They are wary to not hand out any technology which may be a threat to them."

"Not Really What I meant, specifically why didn't they send their own troops."

"...Perhaps it's only in dire times, Gai."

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