Chapter 6 - A War's Beginning

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———NATO Complex, State Of Belgium———

"With our establishment of relations with the Qua-Toyne principality, and the ongoing negotiations with the Kingdom of Topa, we will be able to adapt quite swiftly in time, and Iceland is just around the corner." The spokesman said

"It is still unbelievable I must say... For a country to exceed a Hundred percent."

"The lack or containment of organisms that may harm the specified environment of the farmlands is staggering, in all honesty. But remember, we must hunk unconventionally, we are in another world, and we need to do as much as we can."

"The only thing concerned is the nation that dismissed us." A Spanish man said.

"The Kingdom Of Louria. When we arrived, They dismissed us as 'barbarians' despite seeing what we have." He continued

"I told you, you needed more guns. Sending a large Patrol Ship and four Damen Patrol boats are not enough, It's best to send a Naval Squadron at least." A Russian woman said.

"Well we weren't prepared For their stubbornness. But I'm sure it will be hilarious should they actually be too stubborn to understand they are leagues away. Though I guess we have to be concerned with a loose end to deal with in the future."

"...I'm more concerned on how we are supposed to return to our world." A Dutch man said.

"...True." The Russian agreed.

In the side Erika recalled Project: Die Nebenwelt, She felt it must be responsible for the occurrence as tampering the space-time continuum isn't something to scoff at, and thus she was hoping to increase the budget for the project in-order to try and at-least do something about it, but pessimistic thoughts; that it might not work or it will but not in the way she had hoped, arose.

"But for now we need to focus on sustaining ourselves." Erika stated


It has been a week since the Qua-Toyne Principality managed to establish close relations with NATO.

Several iron vessels had arrived within the nation, and several vehicles rushed on a daily basis as they continuously handle and expand the harbours. Civilians could casually watch the closest thing to the 2nd civilization with their own eyes without much trouble other than restrictions.

Relation establishment didn't just stop with Qua-toyne, there was the Quila Kingdom, the closely allied neighbour of Qua-toyne, first made diplomatic contact with a nation called Italy, it was all In all a barren land where the growth crops are all but a dream. However, there seemed to be treasure-trove of subsurface resources in just lying below, with that Italy finally got an increased supply of iron and oil, to which Italy responded by beginning to hand over sufficient industrial technologies to commence mining operations.

Each nation had its specified role in Qua-toyne; Germany for Electricity and Infratructure, the UK for the handling of the harbours, Russia for the railroads, Spain for cultivation equipment, and Norway for the highway development.

"These Nations are incredible... It's only been a few days yet they are already creating such feats." Prime minister Kanata commented as he watched a strange circular object hover in the distance, which were handling the power lines that are to build up much of the So-called 'electrical network' meant to link across much of the country.

"Some of their designs seem very strange, but nevertheless accomplish their task. For not just one, but an entire collection of nations to surpass the three great civilized lands."

"Indeed they do, not just in technology but also politically, as far as I know nations we've known only assist each-other militarily and often for their own gain or because of fear." She said

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