29† Angel By Another Name

Start from the beginning

"W-why do you say that, miss?" Alec's breathing steadied as he nestled himself into Eden's arms starting to shift his body and lay his head tiredly in her lap.

"Well, you are the heart and soul for this place. If you are sad then the land and country will be just as sad. But when you're feeling better then everything has their souls uplifted. You are the most important person in this land. You might not think you are the brain of everything going on, but the body cannot think and do it's work if its lungs are not well. Think of it as this, your siblings giving out ideas are the brain. You are the lungs. Everyone else like the inquisition are the arms and the other priests are the legs. The whole clergy would be considered the body."

"But, Brother is just so angry with you. I feel like I'm torn between what I believe is wrong and what is possibly right." Alec sighed and closed his eyes gently, the brushing of his hair calming his crying.

Eden watched the youth's face, her stomach in pain as she stroked his soft cheek. Taking note of his features, Eden smiled at his light dusting of freckles. Carefully she slouched enough to lay her cheek over the top of the boy's head, "I can't tell you what to believe, Sir. But I know that I've lived too long to not be blessed with death. But you might have to jump through a few hopes in order to get that one to work out correctly..."

"W-wait. You want to die?" Alessandro turned his head enough to look up at her.

"If that is what it will take for Francesco to get off of his high horse then I will gladly take it as a gift from you. But if it is his ill will then I will fight it tooth and nail. My heart is too empty to choose myself over your success." Eden pulled the Pope tighter in her arms, "Don't let him walk all over you. You are the rightful heir to that seat more than him."

"And so are you, Miss." Alec held his hand on top of Eden's, pulling it down he looked at her long almost deadly and what could be claws.

Closing her fist tightly, Eden stiffened up a bit of anger fueling her muscles to flex, "How can you think that?"

"Abel and Sister brought me the books of your birth and history that follow your heritage. Plus there's a diary of your mother's as well. And a book that goes over..." Alec stopped and swallowed hard, "A book that goes over how your mother and you were tortured by the church. Not the church exactly. By the knight lords and mercenaries paid by the church. Brother has been leading excavations of the halls and hidden rooms that they found following Father Nightroad." Alec looked up to Eden as she froze. All the things that he could be doing to her safe haven, and there was nothing she could do to stop him. Even her emotionless expression froze as Alessandro spoke. "I'm sorry. I can't do anything to stop them. Brother still will do what he wants."

"He better beg for forgiveness from Jesus to Christ when I'm done with him." Eden looked around and started to stand up leaving the young Pope alone. "Let's meet here the day after tomorrow. When do you think you'll be able to get a break from your studies? After your lunch and before Latin classes? Or maybe after?" She stepped backwards almost out from under the vine filled canopy.

"You know what my daily schedule is?"

"Of course. I took the same ones when I was about your age. After all these years, nothing much has changed. I already looked at your schedule, they keep almost everything backed up online so others can keep you on a strict regime. It'll get easier as you progress. These classes I'm sure have gotten more in depth with the times now. We didn't have a lot of history back then..." Eden let a smile slip, her mind lost in thought of her own learning days and being a young girl. "Then again, there wasn't as much evil in the land as there is now..."

"I see. That makes sense I suppose. How about before Latin class then? It's hard for me to follow in that class. I can say what I've memorized, but I cannot form sentences on my own. Putting together the mix of words sometimes I put them in the wrong order. Maybe you can help? You know it well I hear." He smiled sitting up and placing his cap in his lap.

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