My New Home Away From Home

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Tucker and I led them to the car. One of them asked to see my mother. Which is kinda creepy how they know my mom was here with us adding another extra creepy factor with them saying my mom's full name. And what I learned from my mom is to always learn anything about someone while you can.

I look over my shoulder. You couldn't really see them well from the shadow of the trees but I could see a couple of things from the moon light breaking a few cracks over leaves. They were all male which was easy to tell. All of them seemed to be middle aged. But with how things are you can't really tell. Man to my left had short hair and was also out of shape. He wore a Hawaiian pattern shirt. Thanks to the moon light shining on the tin can in his hand the words Diet Coke could be seen. But I still had a strange feeling from him, someone I don't want to make mad.He and my grandmother would get alone.

The man to my right was tall how tall you ask. Well I have no clue I don't have a measuring tape. But was taller than me and Tucker if were on his shoulders. He had blond hair and wore something a surfer would wear but I don't trust my eyes much, I think they are fooling me because I start to see eyes on his body? And no not the two on eyes on your face I mean eyes all over his body.

Now it that just leaves the other guy on Tucker's right; he is interesting. Why is he interesting? Well guess what, he's a centaur. Yeah I know crazy right. His top half seems to be a forty to fifty year old man with long combed back hair and a nice beard. He wore the top part of a tuxedo. If he had some legs he would be the perfect image of a Latin teacher. His horse half was identical to the body of a pure white horse with a black dot on him to complement the white.

In my opinion the centaur seemed to be the most level headed and in this world the most level headed are the most dangerous.

We arrived at the car. My mom was awake looking at us in relief to see us but seemed to be not freaked out by the three men behind us. Kinda strange for how my mom is acting, not threatening the three men next to her kid.

Tucker and I waited next to the car. I could only hear fragments of the conversation my mom was having with the three men. The gist that I got was they have met before and discussed how it's been since then.

"So Greek gods exist?" I asked

Tucker nodded his head. "Yeah all of them?"

Wow, so the Gods do exist kind of a shock knowing that you know Gods are real. It is really creepy that some people are watching us and seeing what we do.

I shake my head agitated trying to not let this new info distracted me. " So who are those guy's then?"

"Some very important people Y/N." Said Tucker who was fidgeting with his pockets.

I looked down to see his goat legs. He took his pants off when we were walking back and I still can't believe my best friend is a satyr. Okay, still weird to think in my head.

"How important could they be?" I asked. "They are only a horse dude and two dudes."

Tucker shaked his head, displeased at my wording. "The horse dude is Chiron."

"Chiron? Who's that?"

Tucker looks at me dumbfounded at my knowledge.

"Are you serious? He was a main topic in our English class when we were learning Greek mythology. We had a test about him!" Stated Tucker

"Okay.....So he's important for?"

Tucker slapped his forehead. "He is the one who taught Heracles. He trained Achilles! Did you not pay attention at all?"


Tucker rubs his forehead confused and irritated "Oh my gods."

I took notice when he said gods. It makes sense now why he would say that, those guys in the sky would be offended if you didn't say gods.

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