karlnap angst

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Sapnap had been streaming for about an hour. It was a simple, but very annoying, session of minecraft. The texan was stressing because he continously spawned next to mobs and immediately die. Not to mention his friend was giggling at his phone like a school girl. Karl kept picking up the iPhone and checking discord. Sapnap had taken notice when karl's face turned bright red.

"Fuck, Karl I need your help. I can't get to safety" he tried to get his friend off the phone. When that got him no response sap rage quit. He exited the game upset and told his chat to decide on a new game for relaxing. Instead of game suggestions the entire chat was spamming dreams name. "Is dream in chat?" Sapnap asked curiously.

Suddenly a dono popped up. "Hey hot stuff, come back home I miss you" dreams dono read. Karl immediately looked dejected and sapnap ignored him. "Alright maybe I'll come home early don't worry" he joked back. When karl stood up quickly sapnap still ignored him. "I'm gonna get a drink and maybe start streaming" the brunette said softly, clearly upset.

All of sapnaps chat was spamming to apologize to karl. They all knew the marriage bit karl and sap do, but karl looked genuinely upset this time. Another dono came through from dream reading, "oh good he's gone, you know you love me sweetheart" sapnap laughed a bit and continued joking with his chat and dream. When he got the notification that karl was live he raided his stream and ended his own.

He could hear karl's computer start the stream. Going into the kitchen sapnap saw karls door open and the brunette looked like he was crying. Didn't it just say he was live? He decided to just go to his room and text some friends. "Hey guys, this will be a short stream. I just wanted to see what was going with everyone and talk" sap could hear karl through the wall. His voice was a strained a bit, making sapnap worried.

"Why do I sound like this? Oh y'know allergies suck butt. Trees surround my house and I constantly have dust and pen everywhere" karl faked a laugh to calm his audience. The ones that came from sapnaps stream were quick to ask karl if he was oki. "Guys I'm fine I promise, I'm not turning on my face cam because I was having a ton of problems with it recently" he lied out his ass.

Sapnap knew he was lying because they recorded a video with it and it came out fine. Again though, he ignored it. Every red flag that his friend wasn't oki he just ignored. The worst one was probably when karl ended stream and it immediately sounded like he was sobbing quietly. But again sap ignored it.

Sapnap booked a flight for tomorrow afternoon. He would be going back to Florida after only being with karl for 2 days. If this wasn't unusual enough, dream was blowing karls phone up. Every text was ignored, call rejected, heck the man went through every app he had his friend on. Because he couldn't get direct contact with karl he tried sapnap.

The texan quickly answered. "Hey what the fuck is going on?" The blonde asked upset. Sapnap looked at him confused and dream sighed. "You booked an insanely early flight and karl is ignoring me completely" dream asked very confused. "My flights at 6pm?" He said more of a question than a statement.

Dream glared at him with a knowing look. "You know what I mean sap, you're usually up there for 2 weeks but now it's only 2 days? Karl just about cried leaving your stream? What the hell is happening" dream wasn't in the right to know according to sapnap who hung up on him. The Floridian didn't stop though, he continously called the pair all night.

When he'd finally gotten karl to answer he got his answer as to what was going on. "Karl thank God, what's going on up there? You guys have me worried sick" he said like a mom. Karl trying to keep calm and just responded very quietly. "What do you mean? I'm just getting ready for bed?" Dream didn't buy that for a second though.

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