dsmp tommy angst

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Tommy never asked for much, well at least he didn't think so. Sure he was annoying as hell and stole a few things but he never made someone genuinely angry. He's always tried to help his friends even if he knew it would hurt him. He tried to help everyone when it came time to. So why would everyone do this to him?

Let's start 1 day before his birthday. The blonde woke up giddy as hell. His birthday was in 1 day and he planned to have a party. It would be his first party since he was about 6 so he wanted it to be big. He went out to gather things to decorate with when he ran into fundy. "Hey fundy, big man do you maybe have shears I could borrow? I'll go mining and find you some diamonds later" he asked while tearing down some trees.

Smiled a bit and reach in his bag for his shears. "Here ya go, don't don't about the diamonds I have tons of iron I'm good" he said happily. Tommy decided he should still pay fundy back so he reached in his bag. "Here seriously man I feel like shit just taking stuff from you" Fundy nodded as thanks and headed off to wherever he was going. Tommy got to work collecting leaves.

He had about 3 stacks of birch leaves before he was satisfied. "Tommy Hey, how are you?" A familiar voice called out softly. Tommy turned to see bbh walking up. "Oh hey I'm good, getting decorations for my party" the blonde smiled wide. Bad smiled and pulled out his enderchest. "Here I think this could help you, also me and skeppy are more than happy to help you set up" he said handing Tommy a bunch of enchanted tools.

"Thank you so much, I'll be sure to mend them before returning them. Ah hey actually I can't find moss anywhere if you or skeppy has any i'll be happy to work for it or something" he said shoving the leaves into his ender chest. "Yeah totally I can bring it tomorrow is that oki?" He asked. Tommy nodded and thanked him as he walked away.

The blonde went back to his house to try and cover the place in leaves, flowers, and vines. He still needed a few things to make balloons, and stuff to make a cake. After decorating for the rest of the day he fell asleep. He awoke to yelling outside. Nothing new but interesting.

He went out and saw tubbo and ranboo yelling at techno. "Whats going on?" Tommy asked the ender. "Techno said tubbo was a wimp. So he's gonna jump off this cliff" the tall man said smugly. "Ah oki need a water bucket?" He asked softly. Tubbo didn't answer as he jumped off. Plummeting towards the ground he realized he didn't have anything and he almost died.

Left with only 3 hearts and starving Tommy threw the last of his bread down. "Thanks" tubbo yelled. "Why not jump from the top of the prison though?" Tommy turned back to the ender. "Ah he was too wimp to jump from that but yeah. Oh hey love the decorations by the way. What are they for?" Ranboo asked curiously.

Tommy's heart dropped a bit, but he ignored it. "My birthdays tomorrow" he said smiling to himself. Ranboo jumped down with tubbo without responding. Tommy tried to ignore the creeping anxiety. He looked at what time it was and practically fell over himself. He had a lot to get done today and it couldn't wait. Rushing to the mesa biome he picked up a ton of blocks.

Going to find sheep he ran into skeppy. "Hey Tommy, I'm so sorry we need the tools back. Bad gave you the wrong ones" he sounded frantic. Tommy was quick to give them back. "Sorry big man, hope everything's oki" Tommy said feeling bad. Skeppy just ran back to wherever he came from. Tommy thankfully brought his own tools and went back to work. He got most of what he needed so he rushed home and got to work.

Stress turned into anxiety as nothing looked right. He couldn't get the balloons to look normal, the leaves were overbearing, and the flowers were too subtle. It doesn't help that his tools were breaking so he was constantly having to make more. Everything was going wrong last minute. "THE CAKE" he yelled realizing he had nothing to make the cake.

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