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Though kageyama knew hinata was an beta he constantly doubts himself. A few, very dense pheromones releases in the showers and everyone except hinata doesn't react. "Kageyama what the hell man" he yells upset. "What? He's like three spaces from you what could he possibly have done?" Suga said tired of the arguing today. Hinata blushed and didn't say anything else.

When everyone left, it was only kags and hinata. Now everyone had already gone to their rooms so they wouldn't be able to smell it if he released more pheromones. So he did. Hinata blushed a tiny bit but didn't react other than that. He released a lot more in hopes hinata would react more by was instead met with even stronger omega scents. Hinata looked normal not even paying attention to anything so kags was confused as hell.

"Hey hinata me and tsukki are studying, do you wanna join?" Yamaguchi yelled softly throughj the shower room. "Uh yeah give me a sec" hinata yelled back. He rushed to finish wmi Iashing his arms and chest and dried off. "Hinata if you're not out in 30 seconds we're leaving you" tsukki yelled out making the boy rush to get dressed. "Alright let's go" he said rushing out to catch up with his friends.

Kags was left showering, and wondering if yams was releasing that scent. Once he was done he got dressed and went to his room. In this college it is important to know that you're assigned to rooms based on your second gender. Hinata, having been an omega, was in the same room as kags. The school gives omegas a room with either betas or omegas only for their safety.

The rooms are built to keep scents from leaking out so alphas and omegas both are safe from heats and ruts of others. Now kags has had about 3 ruts since starting at this school, each time hinata stayed with yams and tsukki. He told his friend it was to give him space so that what kags always believed. Well that was until the last time.

Kags saw hinata take a small pink pill before leaving the room. So now the taller was curious if his friend had been lying to him. Hinata who was currently in his friends room was panicking a bit. "You know he's going to find out" tsukki said rudely. Yams smacked his boyfriends arm and glared at him. "I know, and I am not prepared mentally for when it happens." Hinata sighed.

He's always known his best friend would find out one day. "You're always welcome over here if you need" yams smiled holding his friend hand. "No he's not" tsukki said sounding offended. "You are even if tsukki gets upset" yams assured his friend. They hung out for a few hours before hinata decided to go to his room to go sleep.

What he didn't know was they kags had done some snooping. He didn't look through Anything except one drawer. The drawer hinata kept his pills in.  "Kags I'm back, I think I'm gonna go to bed early in tired" the tangerine headed boy said softly. When kags didn't respond hinata started paying attention to the mood of the room.

Kags was staring down at the little blue bottle full of pink pills. Hinata's chest tightened. "Kageyama I can expla-" "I don't care that your an you know how much trouble you'll get in with the school for lying? Why would you not just tell me?" The taller asked quietly. Hinata could see the taller looked a bit hurt. "I-i didn't want... thats a loaded question kags" hinata's voice almost reaching a whisper.

Kageyama looked up to see hinata shrinking in on himself. Something he only ever did when he started to panic. "Hey I'm not mad at you, I promise" he jumped up to help his friend. Rushing to help, he hugged hinata tightly and played with his hair a bit. Hinata started to breathe normally again, and he hugged his friend back.

"Sho, you know i would never be mad over something that stupid. I'm just upset you thought you couldn't tell me" kags said softly. He moved back a second to look at hinata. "Can you blame me? You constantly talk about how omegas are weaker" hinata said looking down. Kags felt guilt wash over him. "Well look how wrong I was...I mean you're one of the strongest people in general that I know" the raven haired male said honestly a little proud of himself.

Hinata glared up at him at the stupid comment. "Shut up" his cheeks dusted a soft sunset pink. "You're also cute as hell, even if you weren't an omega you'd still be cute." Kags said smirking a bit. "I cant believe you'd ruin our cute moment with some shitty compliments cmon man" hinata said laughing a bit. His cheeks now a dark red. Kags leaned down to kiss him on the cheek.

"You better make up for being a dick" hinata said happily. "How about a date tomorrow? We can go to that pizza hut by starbucks?" The taller asked holding hinatas waist close. Hinata nodded and couldn't feel more content.

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