dsmp shroud angst

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Tommy ran through the corridor as fast as his legs would carry him. Adrenalin pumping, heart beating so fast it hurt. His lungs almost collapsed as he finally saw his friends. Ranboo turned to look, with tears falling down his face. "TUBBO RANBOO" he yelled voice pained and clearly struggling. His smile faltered as he got closer. Eight tiny legs laid flat, motionless in front of his beloved friends.

"I-" ranboo squeaked before breaking into a cry. The blondes heart seemed to stop when his child's eyes met his, tear filled and clearly in pain. "SHROUD" he cried and dropped to hold the kid. "Shroud what happened? Who did this? CALL PHIL" a meal voice spoke up catching his attention. "D-dad it hurts" Tommy tried to find a wound but found none as he felt the body go limp.

He began to panic as ranboo tried to hug him. With a harsh shove ranboo was against the wall. "Shroud? SHROUD WAKE UP-" a pair of arms had to force Tommy to let go. "SHROUD NO LET GO" He pleaded. Techno, with teary eyes, wrapped Shroud in his favorite blanket and lifted him. Tommy fought hard punching and kicking, before eventually giving in and sobbing loudly into his father's chest.

Phil held him tight and tried to hold back his own sobs. "I'll kill that bastard" tubbo growled running out of the door. Ranboo chased after with weapons, everyone knew who they were after. Tubbo and ranboo made it all the way to the secret bunker dream had built. "Well I knew you'd show up. I gotta admit I was expecting Tommy to be with you though" a smug voice emerged.

Tubbo didn't charge, he knew how to fight dream. "Does he know what you've done?" The ram asked, wiping his tear stained cheeks. Dream visibly stiffened at the mention of 'him'. "Does who know what?" George crawled out of the bunker. Dream was quick to try and get him to leave, but tubbo grabbed georges arm. "Did dream tell you that he just fucking killed Shroud, Tommy's adopted kid?" Ranboo growled eyes flashing purple.

Conflicting auras battled for victory, ranboo murderous winning. George's heart ceased as he turned to look and saw dream avoiding his eyes. "He killed a kid" tubbo said breaking down again. George started to cry along with the smaller. He couldn't believe the love of his life could do something so heinous. Appearing to come out of nowhere quackity appeared, along with Wilbur.

Dream could clearly see he was in a losing battle. Trying to flee he stepped back only to land in th chest of a murderous technoblade. He turned to see half the server glaring him down. "Slime repeat what you told us" quackity said holding a diamond pickaxe. "I saw dream kidnap tommys spider kid and force him to eat poison" the translucent green man practically whimpered.

Before he had a chance to react bad boy halo and foolish had dreams hands and feet tied up. "Someone special should get to do this" Philza's voice boomed as he pulled Tommy forward. The second his eyes met dreams rage flowed like molten lava through his veins. He walked up to dream thinking of a million ways to make him suffer. When he reached him though, Tommy had the perfect idea.

"Dream, you are a sick son of a bitch and you'll suffer for this. Techno call him" Tommy said tears falling either out of rage or sadness he could no longer tell the difference. The pigman pulled out his book and began to read in a foreign language. After a second a bright green light shine in the middle of the crowd.

A cracked off white mask appeared inside a floating green cloak. "What have I been summoned for?" The distant yet somehow close voice asked loudly. "I need your help. I'll give you whatever you want. Dream...he killed my kid. Please make him suffer eternally." Tommy cried out to the deity. His plea seemed to work when the God lifted dream.

"You killed innocents?" He asked dream judgment lacing his voice. Dream was in total shock but shook his head no. "LIAR" the God yelled in a deafening tone. Dream looked to the crowd of people as if to beg for forgiveness. The bench trio had began to hug and cry together. "YOU MAKE A CHILD SUFFER, THEN HAVE THE NERVE TO LIE TO A GOD?" The being said getting enraged.

With a shimmery explosion both the God and dream were gone. Tommy lost it. He collapsed in on himself crying and yelling nonsense. No one dare try to stop him. They each knew he needed to release everything or he'd hide it and become another Wilbur. He soon calmed himself and everyone started to chatter about Shrouds funeral.

Quackity and foolish had agreed to build a casket and eret was over the design of the tombstone and stone covering the grave. Philza would send crows to the rest of the server about the funeral. Technoblade put himself as security against a few people. After about an hour of planning everyone had their respective jobs. Tubbo, ranboo, and Tommy were at snowchester waiting on hot chocolate to be done.

Tommy was distant. Everyone question was an uphill battle to answer. Conversations were impossible, any kind of paying attention was more of a struggle than trying to do a split. Tubbo told slime to warn the others that Tommy was emotionally numb because of shock right now.

By nightfall the funeral was ready. Everyone had gathered around the grave with candles. A few people had left shrouds favorite snacks, glowberries, on the stone. "Shroud was...so much more than just a spider. A child...a sweet caring child. We will miss you forever and we hope your limbo is a flower meadow, or dark damp cave with enough space to run around" philza choke up trying to hold back tears.

Most of the crowd was either crying or about to. Tommy clutched tight onto the little doll Shroud had made him. The first person Tommy was vulnerable with and not betrayed by. Shroud made the days bearable, the awful nightmares just go away. That silly little spider made Tommy feel important because someone relied on him. Someone trusted him. Someone LOVED him. Truly...Shroud made Tommy feel like he could finally have a family that wasn't destined for failure.

His son would always be remembered, that doll would stay in Tommy's hands until the day he died. Shrouds bed would stay in the house until it burned to the ground. Nights spent crying in his child's bed, days spent emotionally vacant. Never again would Tommy smile, laugh, argue...hell he panicked when people touched him. The one night he lost the doll, he was murderous. Threatening his own family if they didn't give him back his doll, which had fallen between the bed and the wall.

Shroud was truly the only thing keeping Tommy sane. Now that support was gone, th blonde gave up. No longer caring about himself or anyone around him. A mental train wreck of a person who just missed their kid...Tommy took his own life a year later. Dream XD decided to do something small and in Tommy's limbo was his everyday life with shroud. They picked glowberries and mined. Running from creepers and giggling when bats hit walls.

He was finally at peace.

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