Lesson Sixty: Epilogue

Start from the beginning

"He is in his room."


"Yeah. Why do you ask?"

"Serri told me he slept in our room last night."


Taehyung couldn't help but laugh, "I knew that's why you couldn't have phone sex with me last night, telling me you were tired. All because you have him sleeping in our bed."

"He was scared and alone. You have to understand; his siblings are all older than him. Beau, Eunji, Eunhee, and Eunho all have each other. Serri has her friends, but our Duri only has us."

"Whose fault is it that he doesn't have a sibling his age to play with?"

"Goodbye! Have a safe flight, and I love you." Jin says and hangs up the phone, not wanting to go that conversation path with Taehyung.

He knew what Taehyung was going to say. It wasn't until the triplets were six that he and Taehyung decided to try for another baby, and that's how Duri came along. For Jin, Duri was his baby; he was the youngest and required the most care. All his other kids were getting older, and they didn't have time for their younger brother. Eunhee and Eunji stuck together almost like glue, and Eunho and Beau operated like they were twins. The four of them had their clique as far as Jin saw it. Only Serri showed him love. Their other kids saw Duri as a cry baby who did anything to get his Appa's attention which Jin didn't think was true.

Jin wished he had listened to Taehyung earlier and provided Duri with a sibling his age because sometimes he knows Duri feels left behind. Therefore, anytime Taehyung had to travel for work, Jin would bring his baby to sleep in his bed. Serri had to snitch on him, of course.

"Duri, get up now; your dad will be here soon, and he's going to want our bed. We should get you to the shower and then to breakfast."

Duri turned on the bed, looking towards Jin, with a pout, "I am tired, Appa."

Staring into his son's eyes, Jin caved, "okay baby, you can sleep."

Smiling, Duri wrapped up in his blanket and closed his eyes.


Taehyung walked into his bedroom to find the lights out. He wasn't surprised that his husband was still asleep. Jin usually slept in late on a Saturday. It was the only day out of the week he got to sleep in late.

During the week, he was up early with the kids; he took the triplets and Beau to school and then Duri to pre-school before going to work. His evening routine included picking them up and taking them home, ensuring they did homework, as well as preparing dinner on top of everything else. Taehyung tried to get home early most days to prepare dinner, but it wasn't always possible. To ensure that Jin could sleep in, he made sure weekend breakfast was on him.

On Sunday mornings, Jin woke up early to work on things around the house, check through the kids' homework, do work, grade papers, and plan lessons for the week. On Sunday, if they were hosting dinner at their house, he and Taehyung would prepare dinner together. Every Sunday, they alternate cooking and visiting each other's houses with Jimin and Jungkook. Since it was their tradition, they didn't deviate from it unless one of them was on vacation. They ensured their families remained connected. Even taking yearly vacations together.

Taehyung locked their room door and slowly walked towards the bathroom, trying not to wake Jin. He wanted to take a shower before joining him for a nap. While away from his family, he usually had trouble sleeping. This is why he rarely traveled. He never felt right being away from Jin and the kids. Being at home with them was his favorite thing. He felt apologetic most of the time when he traveled, as Jin would stay up late on the phone with him regardless of time differences, neither of them getting any sleep.

He loved how they were as a family, no matter what the circumstances were. He hears everyday stories of married couples who aren't even happy being together after ten or more years or who are only together for their children. It made him happy that that had not been the case for him and Jin. Over the years, their love for each other only intensified, their chemistry only grew stronger, and their sex life only improved. They had disagreements, they didn't have a perfect marriage, but they stayed in constant communication and resolved their issues together.

While Taehyung was in the shower, he heard the bathroom door open and looked through the glass doors to see his husband naked, making him smile. "Did I wake you?"

Jin opened the shower door, and Taehyung helped him inside the tub, "kind of. How was your flight?"

"It was good; I missed you so much." Taehyung pulled Jin into his arms, kissing him as Jin wrapped his arms around him. "I missed you more." Jin whispers between their kisses.

"Nope, I doubt it; last night, you left me hanging."

Jin chuckled, pulling back from Taehyung so he could look him in the eyes, "I am sorry. I know you think it was because of Duri, but I was really tired."

Moving his hands down to Jin's stomach, rubbing his hand over Jin's big baby bump, "are these two making you tired?"

"Very! They are always awake during the night."

"Three more months." Taehyung kisses Jin's lips.

"I know; I can't wait. We are done after this, right?"

Taehyung raised an eyebrow looking at Jin, "I don't know; I thought after the triplets I got a firm warning we were. Then you surprised me with wanting Duri."

Jin began pouting, "I didn't ask for these two?"

"You didn't say you didn't want them either."

"Fine, but I think we are good now. I don't think we should be like your brother and Jungkook. They have ten. That's a lot."

"You are right, but it feels like they have two upon us; what do you think?"

Jin stared at his husband, giving his words a thought, "I think we should cheat."

"What?" Taehyung stared at him, confused.

"I've been thinking we should foster two children. Consider adopting them, similar to what Hoseok and Namjoon did."

"Oh, true, we would be good at that."


"I love that idea. Let's do it after the twins are born." Taehyung leans forward, kissing Jin.

As Jin returned his husband's kiss, he relaxed into his embrace, grateful that he was back at home with him. It had been lonely for him while he was away for three days.


Jin and Taehyung stared at Jimin and Jungkook in shock around the dinner table, "what?"

"Jungkook and I are expecting."

"Fuck." Taehyung groaned, rubbing his hand along Jin's leg.

"What was that?"

"He said congratulation. Wow, that's amazing news! I thought you were done, though?" Jin smiled.

"We thought so too, but it happened, so here we are!" Jimin let out happily.

"We cannot let them do this to us." Taehyung leaned towards Jin and kissed him.

Under the table, Jin stroked his husband's thigh and said, "don't worry about it."

Having received his husband's response, Taehyung leaned back in his chair, smiling at his brother. "I can't believe I'm going to be an uncle for the eleventh time, congratulations!"


A/N: I guess I must finally say goodbye to this treasure. I appreciate all your support during this journey. Writing this book was a pleasure for me. Let's hope I can do something like this again in the future. Thank you for sticking with me!

I think this is the first book Taejin has so many kids, they usually max out at six, right? I Don't remember, I lose count, in any case adding multiples and such is always an entertaining aspect for me as we all know by now! However, don't go getting inspired, kids are expensive and a whole lot of work. 

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