Lesson Fifty-Five

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Immediately after Jin put his daughter to bed, he heard the doorbell ring. When he checked his phone, he realized it couldn't have been Taehyung. He couldn't have forgotten his keys, and even if he had forgotten, he knew the code to the front door.

After making sure Serri was sleeping, he shut the door to her room and went into the foyer. Heading to the door, he looked through the security camera, and his eyes widened, seeing who it was. "Why is he here?" He opens the door after asking himself that question.

"Hi there."

In a gentle smile, Namjoon asked Jin, "Hey, how have you been?".

"I have been good; what are you doing here?"

"I heard you resigned."

Jin sighed, "news travels fast, I did."

"Um, I see. Would it be alright if I came in?" The awkward feeling Namjoon asked, standing out front of Jin's house.

In response to Namjoon, Jin nodded, "sure, come in, sorry for having you stand out here." Standing aside, he allowed Namjoon into his home, leading him to the kitchen. "I was about to prepare dinner, so you can sit there if you don't mind."

Namjoon takes a seat at the kitchen island, "no, not at all. How has your week been?"

"I think you should know how it's been. Isn't that why you are here?"

"Seokjin, I hope you know I had nothing to do with the students or teachers finding out about you and Taehyung-"

"It makes no difference to me how anyone found out about it; it is what it is. In discussion with Taehyung, we worked out the best decision for our family and our future. So I resigned. Next week I'll be interviewing with another high school, so I'm fine." Jin spoke as he walked around in his kitchen, gathering ingredients to prepare dinner.

In a sigh, Namjoon offered no encouragement. "I understand that you made your decision, and I won't change your mind on that. My intention was to make sure you knew I did not say anything to anyone."

"Well, I've never suspected anything from you." Jin stops what he is doing and turns around to face Namjoon.

"What about Taehyung?"

Jin chuckled, "well, he is different, and being here at this time might not be the best idea. Don't take it personally, but he doesn't really like you."

"Yeah, that I figured. Jackson received an invitation to your wedding, and I didn't get one."

"Oh, you will get one. Apparently, Taehyung had intended on hand-delivering it himself, but he has been too busy to do so." Jin tried not to laugh as he recalled the conversation he had with Taehyung.

Namjoon stared in confusion at Jin "hand deliver? Wouldn't it be nice if I received it by mail?"

"It certainly would have been nice, but Taehyung seems to think that you still have a crush on me, so he wants to level set with you on that. I know that isn't true, but he doesn't show forgiveness or forgetfulness, especially towards the past. In any case, I completely understand if you do not want to attend our wedding since I know even though he is my fiance, he can be a bit difficult at times."

"No, no, it's cool. I will be there. I am just curious, though."

"Great, well, since you will be here. Before you leave, I will hand you your invitation, so don't worry about Taehyung. Also, what makes you curious?"

"If we had continued, if you knew Hoseok had never returned, would you have envisioned yourself with me over the long haul? It appears that I pushed you toward Taehyung when Hoseok announced he was returning, and I resolved to work on my marriage."

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